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OJ 6/7, [39] - Handwritten envelope from Schenker to Moriz Violin, postmarked July 22, 1928
[The contents of this envelope are presumed lost, but
for a summary see footnote 1]
{recto} [An:] H Prof. M. Violin 1 (aus Hamburg) Schierke im Harz Sanatorium Schierke [postmark:] || GALTÜR | 22. VII 28 | * a * || {verso} [Absender:] [Sc]henker Galtür Tirol [postmark:] || SCHIERKE | 25.7/28. 9-10 V | * (HARZ) * || © Transcription William Drabkin, 2013 |
[The contents of this envelope are presumed lost, but
for a summary see footnote 1]
{recto} [To:] Prof. M. Violin 1 (from Hamburg) Schierke im Harz Sanatorium Schierke [postmark:] || GALTÜR | 22. VII 28 | * a * || {verso} [Sender:] [Sc]henker Galtür Tyrol [postmark:] || SCHIERKE | 25.7/28. 9-10 V | * (HARZ) * || © Translation William Drabkin, 2013 |
[The contents of this envelope are presumed lost, but
for a summary see footnote 1]
{recto} [An:] H Prof. M. Violin 1 (aus Hamburg) Schierke im Harz Sanatorium Schierke [postmark:] || GALTÜR | 22. VII 28 | * a * || {verso} [Absender:] [Sc]henker Galtür Tirol [postmark:] || SCHIERKE | 25.7/28. 9-10 V | * (HARZ) * || © Transcription William Drabkin, 2013 |
[The contents of this envelope are presumed lost, but
for a summary see footnote 1]
{recto} [To:] Prof. M. Violin 1 (from Hamburg) Schierke im Harz Sanatorium Schierke [postmark:] || GALTÜR | 22. VII 28 | * a * || {verso} [Sender:] [Sc]henker Galtür Tyrol [postmark:] || SCHIERKE | 25.7/28. 9-10 V | * (HARZ) * || © Translation William Drabkin, 2013 |
Footnotes1 Sending of this letter, which is presumed lost, is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/1, p. 3229 (July 21, 1928) "An Floriz (Br.): erkundige mich nach der Art seines Zusammenbruchs; zu Halm: wünscht, daß er sich von keiner Angst zurückschrecken ließe! Ueber Cubes Schaufenster in Duisburg u. die bevorstehenden Besuche: Klara, Oppel, Vrieslander." ("To Floriz (letter): I enquire about the nature of his breakdown; regarding Halm: he wants to have things so that he need not recoil in fear from anything! Concerning Cube's shop window [exhibition] in Duisburg, and the visits that lie ahead: from Klara, Oppel, and Vrieslander.") |
Digital version created: 2013-06-18 |