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[First page of letter from Kammerer not on file]

Ich bitte dies zur Kenntnis zu nehmen und Herrn Dr. Schenker mitzuteilen.

Mit dem Ausdrucke der vorzüglichen

I.[n] V.[ertretung]
[signed:] D [?Schmitz]

[Written on lower half of sheet]

Wien, 6/III 1916

Lieber Freund! 1

Wie Sie aus diesem Schreiben ersehen, geht die Sache nun doch ihrem Ende entgegen. Ob endgiltig, ist die grosse Frage. Wenn schon nicht Einstellung, so mindestens – Gott geb´s? – Polizei. Hier lässt sich schon etwas ausrichten.

Herzlichst grüßt Ihr
[signed:] Karpath

© Transcription Martin Eybl, 2013

[First page of letter from Kammerer not on file]

Please take note of this and inform Dr. Schenker.

With expression of kindest

by proxy
[signed:] D [?Schmitz]

[Written on lower half of sheet]

Vienna, March 6, 1916

Dear Friend, 1

As you can see from this letter, the case is now definitely moving to a conclusion. The big question is whether it will be a definitive [verdict]. If not a dismissal, then at least ‒ and there's probably some hope of this ‒ his being passed on to the police. If so, we can arrange something.

With most cordial greetings, Your
[signed:] Karpath

© Translation Ian Bent, 2016

[First page of letter from Kammerer not on file]

Ich bitte dies zur Kenntnis zu nehmen und Herrn Dr. Schenker mitzuteilen.

Mit dem Ausdrucke der vorzüglichen

I.[n] V.[ertretung]
[signed:] D [?Schmitz]

[Written on lower half of sheet]

Wien, 6/III 1916

Lieber Freund! 1

Wie Sie aus diesem Schreiben ersehen, geht die Sache nun doch ihrem Ende entgegen. Ob endgiltig, ist die grosse Frage. Wenn schon nicht Einstellung, so mindestens – Gott geb´s? – Polizei. Hier lässt sich schon etwas ausrichten.

Herzlichst grüßt Ihr
[signed:] Karpath

© Transcription Martin Eybl, 2013

[First page of letter from Kammerer not on file]

Please take note of this and inform Dr. Schenker.

With expression of kindest

by proxy
[signed:] D [?Schmitz]

[Written on lower half of sheet]

Vienna, March 6, 1916

Dear Friend, 1

As you can see from this letter, the case is now definitely moving to a conclusion. The big question is whether it will be a definitive [verdict]. If not a dismissal, then at least ‒ and there's probably some hope of this ‒ his being passed on to the police. If so, we can arrange something.

With most cordial greetings, Your
[signed:] Karpath

© Translation Ian Bent, 2016


1 Receipt of this letter and Schenker's response are recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 2/1, p. 155, March 7, 1916: "Von Karpath gute Auskunft bezüglich M. — An Karpath (K.) Dank." ("From Karpath, good news regarding Mittelmann. — To Karpath (postcard): Thanks."). — At the top right of this sheet is written in pencil in Oswald Jonas's hand: "original: filed in Box 71 / Kammerer, Emil to Karpath"; above the second message, mid-sheet: "[Karpath to Schenker]".


1p letter, typewritten excerpt, valediction, holograph signature (D. Schmitz[?] for Emil Kammerer); holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature (Karpath)
Karpath, Ludwig (1917-1917)--Schenker, Heinrich (1917-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)
Rights Holder
Deemed to be in the public domain
This document is deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk

Digital version created: 2016-08-31
Last updated: 2010-05-16