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{recto} [printed:]


Absender: Dr. H Schenker
III, Reisnerstr. 38

An: Prof. M. Violin
XIV. Sechshauserstr. 126
[postmark:] 10 WIEN 77 | 12. I. 20 | * 5b * ||
[note in margin] For continuation of the recto, see below

Fl! 1

Der „Herr von Aussig 2 hat sich zum Vergleich auf unserer Grundlage herbeigelassen, macht an den Möbeln allerdings ein glänzendes Geschäft. Bis Ende d. M. hat er 25.000 č. K. zu – erlegen, wovon Dr Gl. im eigenen Wirkungskreise sofort „seinen“ Abzug macht. Was mit dem Rest anzufangen wäre, haben wir mit eigenen u. mehreren fremden Köpfen nachgedacht; – was denkt der Deine hierüber? — 3

Von Halm ist heute ein Original- Verlag [recte Vertrag] mit G. Müller (München) eingelaufen, – 15% vom Ladenpreis. 4 Diese Kenntnis kommt mir sehr zu Gute. Was machen deine Kinderchen, Karli {recto} namentlich? Die Masern? Hoffentlich Alles gut vorüber. Mein Bruder Wilhelm mußte vorgestern ins Sanatorium Gutenbrünn (Baden) gebracht werden – eine böse Sache, wie wir fürchten.

Viele Grüße
2 : 5
[signed:] dein H

12. Jänner 1920

© Transcription Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2011

{recto} [printed:]


From: Dr. H. Schenker,
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

To: Prof. M. Violin,
[Vienna] XIV, Sechshauserstraße 126
[postmark:] 10 VIENNA 77 | 12. I. 20 | * 5b * ||
[note in margin] For continuation of the recto, see below

Floriz! 1

The "gentleman from Aussig" 2 has condescended to make a settlement on our terms, but is doing a fabulous business with the furniture. By the end of the month, he has to pay 25,000 Czech Kronen, from which Dr. Glässner for his part in the proceedings will promptly take "his" cut. What should be done about the rest is something that we have deliberated with our own and others' heads. (What does yours think about this?) — 3

Today an original contract with G. Müller (Munich) has arrived from Halm. – 15% of the retail price. 4 This information is very much to my benefit. How are your little ones doing, in particular Karli? {recto} The measles? I hope it has all cleared up. My brother Wilhelm had to be taken into the Sanatorium Gutenbrünn (Baden) the day before yesterday – it looks bad, we fear.

A thousand greetings,
2 : 5
[signed:] H.

January 12, 1920

© Translation Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2011

{recto} [printed:]


Absender: Dr. H Schenker
III, Reisnerstr. 38

An: Prof. M. Violin
XIV. Sechshauserstr. 126
[postmark:] 10 WIEN 77 | 12. I. 20 | * 5b * ||
[note in margin] For continuation of the recto, see below

Fl! 1

Der „Herr von Aussig 2 hat sich zum Vergleich auf unserer Grundlage herbeigelassen, macht an den Möbeln allerdings ein glänzendes Geschäft. Bis Ende d. M. hat er 25.000 č. K. zu – erlegen, wovon Dr Gl. im eigenen Wirkungskreise sofort „seinen“ Abzug macht. Was mit dem Rest anzufangen wäre, haben wir mit eigenen u. mehreren fremden Köpfen nachgedacht; – was denkt der Deine hierüber? — 3

Von Halm ist heute ein Original- Verlag [recte Vertrag] mit G. Müller (München) eingelaufen, – 15% vom Ladenpreis. 4 Diese Kenntnis kommt mir sehr zu Gute. Was machen deine Kinderchen, Karli {recto} namentlich? Die Masern? Hoffentlich Alles gut vorüber. Mein Bruder Wilhelm mußte vorgestern ins Sanatorium Gutenbrünn (Baden) gebracht werden – eine böse Sache, wie wir fürchten.

Viele Grüße
2 : 5
[signed:] dein H

12. Jänner 1920

© Transcription Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2011

{recto} [printed:]


From: Dr. H. Schenker,
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

To: Prof. M. Violin,
[Vienna] XIV, Sechshauserstraße 126
[postmark:] 10 VIENNA 77 | 12. I. 20 | * 5b * ||
[note in margin] For continuation of the recto, see below

Floriz! 1

The "gentleman from Aussig" 2 has condescended to make a settlement on our terms, but is doing a fabulous business with the furniture. By the end of the month, he has to pay 25,000 Czech Kronen, from which Dr. Glässner for his part in the proceedings will promptly take "his" cut. What should be done about the rest is something that we have deliberated with our own and others' heads. (What does yours think about this?) — 3

Today an original contract with G. Müller (Munich) has arrived from Halm. – 15% of the retail price. 4 This information is very much to my benefit. How are your little ones doing, in particular Karli? {recto} The measles? I hope it has all cleared up. My brother Wilhelm had to be taken into the Sanatorium Gutenbrünn (Baden) the day before yesterday – it looks bad, we fear.

A thousand greetings,
2 : 5
[signed:] H.

January 12, 1920

© Translation Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2011


1 Writing of this postcard is not recorded in Schenker's diary.

2 i.e. Emil Kornfeld, Jeanette's former husband, who had since 1913 resisted her petition for divorce until eventually Jeanette and Heinrich were able to marry on November 10, 1919. Related entries in Schenker's diary record at OJ 3/1, p. 2203, January 8, 1920: "Von Dr. Glässner (Br.): endlich günstiger Ausgang – Abschluß eines zehnjährigen Ringens." ("From Dr. Glässner (letter): finally a positive conclusion – the end of a ten-year struggle."). – "An Dr. Glässner (Br.): laut Auskunft von Mozio." ("To Dr. Glässner (letter): based on information from Mozio."). The conversation with Moriz Schenker is recorded in ibid: "wir tragen ihm die Angelegenheit der 25000 Kronen vor; er gibt uns einen Rat." ("we tell him about the situation with the 25,000 Kronen; he gives us advice.").

3 Schenker inserts emdash and continues writing without paragraph-break.

4 Schenker's diary records at OJ 3/1, p. 2206, January 12, 1920: "Von Halm (eingeschr. Br.): Original-Vertrag von Georg Müller usw.; voll Herzlichkeiten u. Anteilnahme; empfiehlt von einmaliger Abfertigung abzusehen u. unter allen Umständen auf perzentuelle Beteiligung zu dringen." ("From Halm (registered letter): original contract from Georg Müller, etc.; full of friendly words and compassion; recommends against a one-time payment and suggests I should definitely urge for a percentage of sales.").


Printed postcard, holograph addresses, holograph message-continuation and signature recto, holograph message beginning verso
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-197?)--University of California, Riverside (197?--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2011-05-16
Last updated: 2011-05-16