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{recto} [printed:]

Absender: Dr H Schenker
III, Reisnerstr. 38

An: H. Prof. M. Violin
Sechshauserstr. 126
[postmark:] || [illeg] [illeg.] 77 | [illeg] [illeg.]-6 | * 5b * ||

Fl! 1

Gestern meldete ich dir schriftlich die Rückkunft meiner Karte an dich vom 14 d.m.; 2 nun kommt heute mein Brief an dich 3 zurück, u. in einer weiteren Woche wird meine (3.) Karte 4 von gestern zurückkommen. Das ist aber ein starkes Stück des Postamtes XIII., – ich bewahre dir diese Dokumente einer geradezu ab perversen Abscheulichkeit zur weiteren Amtshandlung: Einmal mit blauem Stift XV (!!) da ein andermal: XIV, aber jedesmal [upward arrow from line below (Sechhausterstr.) to line above (XV)] „zurück“ (wie aus Wuth)) - warum nicht in die Sechshausertsr.? - auch steht beide male: „Sechsh. unbekannt“!? Im Lehmann 5 lautet es: XIII/2. Aber müßte es der Post nicht genügen: Sechshausterstr. 126? [cued from left margin, written sideways:]Mit welchem Rechte fordert das Postamt XIII, daß ich nochmals schreibe, - ist es nicht ihre Pflicht, in die Sechsh. zu schicken?[end cue] {recto} Warum nicht vom XIII in den XIV schicken, sondern lieber - rein zur Strafe - XIII-III? Eine Frechheit ohnegleichen.

Viele Grüße
2 : 5
[signed:] dein HS 30. XII

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2009

{recto} [printed:]

From: Dr. Heinrich Schenker,
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

To: Prof. M. Violin,
[Vienna] XIV,
Sechshauserstraße 126
[postmark:] || [illeg] [illeg.] 77 | [illeg] [illeg.]-6 | * 5b * ||

Floriz, 1

Yesterday I wrote to you reporting the return of my postcard to you of the 14th; 2 today my letter to you 3 has come back, and in a further week my (third) postcard, of yesterday, 4 will come back. But it's a bit much of the 13th district post office to do that! – I am keeping these documents for you, [and sparing them] from further handling by the post office with its downright perverse odiousness: one time in blue pencil "15th district" (!!), another time "14th district," but both times [upward arrow from line below (Sechhausterstraße) to line above (XV)] "return [to sender]" (as if out of anger) – why not in Sechshausertraße? – Also both times "Sechsh. unknown"!? In Lehmann 5 it says "XIII/2". But ought not "Sechshausterstraße 126" to have been sufficient for the post? [cued from left margin, written sideways :] By what right does the 13th district post office demand that I write yet again – is it not their duty to send to Sechsh.?[end cue] {recto} Why not send it from the 13th district to the 14th, rather than – purely punitively – the 13th to the 3rd? What an unprecedented cheek!

Best wishes,
2 : 5
[signed:] Your HS December 30

© Translation Ian Bent, 2009

{recto} [printed:]

Absender: Dr H Schenker
III, Reisnerstr. 38

An: H. Prof. M. Violin
Sechshauserstr. 126
[postmark:] || [illeg] [illeg.] 77 | [illeg] [illeg.]-6 | * 5b * ||

Fl! 1

Gestern meldete ich dir schriftlich die Rückkunft meiner Karte an dich vom 14 d.m.; 2 nun kommt heute mein Brief an dich 3 zurück, u. in einer weiteren Woche wird meine (3.) Karte 4 von gestern zurückkommen. Das ist aber ein starkes Stück des Postamtes XIII., – ich bewahre dir diese Dokumente einer geradezu ab perversen Abscheulichkeit zur weiteren Amtshandlung: Einmal mit blauem Stift XV (!!) da ein andermal: XIV, aber jedesmal [upward arrow from line below (Sechhausterstr.) to line above (XV)] „zurück“ (wie aus Wuth)) - warum nicht in die Sechshausertsr.? - auch steht beide male: „Sechsh. unbekannt“!? Im Lehmann 5 lautet es: XIII/2. Aber müßte es der Post nicht genügen: Sechshausterstr. 126? [cued from left margin, written sideways:]Mit welchem Rechte fordert das Postamt XIII, daß ich nochmals schreibe, - ist es nicht ihre Pflicht, in die Sechsh. zu schicken?[end cue] {recto} Warum nicht vom XIII in den XIV schicken, sondern lieber - rein zur Strafe - XIII-III? Eine Frechheit ohnegleichen.

Viele Grüße
2 : 5
[signed:] dein HS 30. XII

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2009

{recto} [printed:]

From: Dr. Heinrich Schenker,
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

To: Prof. M. Violin,
[Vienna] XIV,
Sechshauserstraße 126
[postmark:] || [illeg] [illeg.] 77 | [illeg] [illeg.]-6 | * 5b * ||

Floriz, 1

Yesterday I wrote to you reporting the return of my postcard to you of the 14th; 2 today my letter to you 3 has come back, and in a further week my (third) postcard, of yesterday, 4 will come back. But it's a bit much of the 13th district post office to do that! – I am keeping these documents for you, [and sparing them] from further handling by the post office with its downright perverse odiousness: one time in blue pencil "15th district" (!!), another time "14th district," but both times [upward arrow from line below (Sechhausterstraße) to line above (XV)] "return [to sender]" (as if out of anger) – why not in Sechshausertraße? – Also both times "Sechsh. unknown"!? In Lehmann 5 it says "XIII/2". But ought not "Sechshausterstraße 126" to have been sufficient for the post? [cued from left margin, written sideways :] By what right does the 13th district post office demand that I write yet again – is it not their duty to send to Sechsh.?[end cue] {recto} Why not send it from the 13th district to the 14th, rather than – purely punitively – the 13th to the 3rd? What an unprecedented cheek!

Best wishes,
2 : 5
[signed:] Your HS December 30

© Translation Ian Bent, 2009


1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/1, p. 2199, December 29, 1919: "Von Floriz Brief zurück – an ihn Karte über die Unverschämtheit des Postbeamten, der mit blauem Stift einmal den XIV., ein zweitesmal den XV. Bezirk hinkritzelt u., was das Frechste, den Adressaten als in der Sechshauserstraße 126 „unbekannt" ausgibt." ("From Floriz, letter back – postcard to him about the shamelessness of the postal official who scrawled in blue pencil one time '14th district,' then a second time '15th district,' and – the cheekiest thing of all – gave the addressee at Sechshauserstraße 126 out as 'unknown'.")

2 = OC 8/3, [73], actually dated December 15 (Schenker's diary for the 14th, p. 2192, does not report the writing of a postcard to Violin).

3 This letter is not known to survive. Schenker's diary records on December 21, OJ 3/1, p. 2195: "An Floriz (Br.): komme auf die Stellen aus op. 101, Prelude Fdur von Chopin zurück." (To Floriz (letter): I revert to the passages from Op. 101 [and] the Chopin F-major Prelude."), presumably his answer to a letter regarding Op. 101 received from Violin on December 19 (OJ 3/1, p. 2194), itself referring to a lunchtime coffee-house meeting on December 17 at which the Little Library and passages from Op. 101 were discussed (OJ 3/1, p. 2193).

4 This postcard is not known to survive: presumably that written on December 28 at (OJ 3/1, p. 2199): "Von Fl (K.): die an ihn am 15. d. abgegangene Karte sei zurückgekommen!" ("From Floriz (postcard): the postcard sent to him on the 15th has come back!").

5 Lehmanns Wohnungsanzeiger, i. e. the city directory for Vienna, published annually by Lehmann, listing the head of each household by last and first name, occupation, and address, and the owner of the building.


Printed postcard, holograph addresses, holograph message-continuation and signature recto, holograph message beginning veso
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-197?)--University of California, Riverside (197?--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2009-05-01
Last updated: 2010-06-25