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[printed:] [P]os[tkarte]
[top-left, picture captioned: Forchstenstein, Burgenland]
[Absender:] Schenker
III., Keilgasse 8

[An:] H
Prof. M. Violin
VI, Marieahilferstr.
bei Frau Dr Violin

[postmark:] || T. A. 6 WIEN 59 | 3.IV.28.11 | * R/a * ||


Fl! 1

Du wirst gebeten, am Donnerstag, den 5. Abends mit zu uns „eppes warmes“ 2 zu essen. LieLiechen wird sich (ohne Übertreibunrg) auf der Höhe ihrer Kunst zeigen, wenigstens hat sie, wie sie mir einflüstert (souffliert), die Absicht.

Also auf Wiedersehen! Beste Grüße
[signed:] H
2. 4. 28

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2013

[printed:] [P]os[tcard]
[top-left, picture captioned: Forchstenstein, Burgenland]
[sender:] Schenker
III, Keilgasse 8

[to:] Prof. M. Violin
VI, Marieahilferstrasse
c/o Mrs. Dr. Violin
Pneumatic mail

[postmark:] || T. A. 6 WIEN 59 | 3.IV.28.11 | * R/a * ||


Floriz! 1

You are invited, on the evening of Thursday the 5th, to have "something warm" 2 to eat with us. Lie-Liechen will demonstrate the height of her [culinary] art, without overdoing things; at least that is her intention, as she whispered to me.

And so, till we next see each other! Best greetings,
[signed:] Heinrich
April 2, 1928

© Translation William Drabkin, 2013

[printed:] [P]os[tkarte]
[top-left, picture captioned: Forchstenstein, Burgenland]
[Absender:] Schenker
III., Keilgasse 8

[An:] H
Prof. M. Violin
VI, Marieahilferstr.
bei Frau Dr Violin

[postmark:] || T. A. 6 WIEN 59 | 3.IV.28.11 | * R/a * ||


Fl! 1

Du wirst gebeten, am Donnerstag, den 5. Abends mit zu uns „eppes warmes“ 2 zu essen. LieLiechen wird sich (ohne Übertreibunrg) auf der Höhe ihrer Kunst zeigen, wenigstens hat sie, wie sie mir einflüstert (souffliert), die Absicht.

Also auf Wiedersehen! Beste Grüße
[signed:] H
2. 4. 28

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2013

[printed:] [P]os[tcard]
[top-left, picture captioned: Forchstenstein, Burgenland]
[sender:] Schenker
III, Keilgasse 8

[to:] Prof. M. Violin
VI, Marieahilferstrasse
c/o Mrs. Dr. Violin
Pneumatic mail

[postmark:] || T. A. 6 WIEN 59 | 3.IV.28.11 | * R/a * ||


Floriz! 1

You are invited, on the evening of Thursday the 5th, to have "something warm" 2 to eat with us. Lie-Liechen will demonstrate the height of her [culinary] art, without overdoing things; at least that is her intention, as she whispered to me.

And so, till we next see each other! Best greetings,
[signed:] Heinrich
April 2, 1928

© Translation William Drabkin, 2013


1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/1, pp. 3195-96 (April 2, 1928), as a response to a postcard the received same day: "Von Fl. (K.): bittet wegen knapp bevorstehender Heimreise Donnerstag kommen zu dürfen. — An Fl. (K. expr.) (gekreuzt): Einladung für Donnerstag." ("From Floriz (postcard): he asks if he can come on Thursday, as it is just before his imminent homeward journey. — To Floriz (express postcard) (crossed): invitation for Thursday.")

2 "eppes warmes": a variation on the Yiddish eppes essen ("something to eat"). In 1928, the first day of Passover fell on April 5; thus the second Seder would have taken place that evening and the Schenkers planned to celebrate this occasion with a cooked evening meal.


printed postcard, holograph addresses recto, holograph message and signature, verso
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-197?)--University of California, Riverside (197?--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2013-07-04
Last updated: 2013-07-04