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OJ 8/5, [20] - Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Violin, dated September 26, 1933
⇧ Postkarte Absender: ⇧ Schenker Wien, III Keilgasse 8 [An:] H Prof. M. Violin Wien, V, Wehrgasse 11/14 [postmark:] || 3 WIEN 40 | 26. IX. 33 11 | * 4f * || [For continuation of recto, see below] {verso} 26. 9. 33 Fl! 1 [All underlining, except where noted to the contrary, is in thick pencil, and is presumably by Violin.] Vor Allem, am Donnerstag tritt eine neue Gehilfin ein, bestens empfohlen. Na also! Dann gibt es bald ein Wiedersehen. 2 An W...berger habe ich einen Brief geschrieben, den LieLiechen „sehr schön“ fand (das will was sagen!); ich wollte nur, wäre der Erfolg stünde auf der Höhe des Glücks, das ich empfand, ihn schreiben zu dürfen. 3 Soeben hat mich W. verlassen. Ich bestand, je mehr er mir den Vater u sich „erklären“ wollte, erst recht drauf, daß er à 25 S. zahlt, „bis auf Widerruf,“ wie der Vater erklärt, er könne nicht weiter, wo ich dann auf 20 S heruntergehe. Normandie, Lorr Loiretal, London für die Tochter u.s.w. Da laß’ ich mir nicht so ohneweiters {recto} 180 Mk aus der Tasche ziehen, wenn meine Schüler sich 10–15 S. zahlen lassen. Er kommt Montag u. Donnerst. 4 Das Ex. .. Jonas 5 kriegst du wenn ich dich sehe. – Vriesl. schreibt u. veröffentlicht in Bälde ein Buch (auch über mich), seinen Brief lese ich Euch vor. Was ich Wolf sagte, muß 6 ich dir vollinhaltlich wiederholen! © Transcription William Drabkin, 2012 |
⇧ Postcard From: ⇧ Schenker Vienna III, Keilgasse 8 [To:] Prof. M. Violin Vienna V Wehrgasse 11/14 [postmark:] || 3 VIENNA 40 | 26. IX. 33 11 | * 4f * || [For continuation of recto, see below] {verso} September 26, 1933 Floriz, 1 [All underlining, except where noted to the contrary, is in thick pencil, and is presumably by Violin.] First of all, on Thursday a new helper is arriving, with the best recommendations. Well, then! Then we shall soon have a reunion. 2 I have written a letter to Weissberger , which Lie-Liechen thought was “very beautiful” (that is saying something!); I only wanted the success to stand at the height of the happiness that I felt at being allowed to write to him. 3 Wolf has just left me. The more he wished to “explain” his father and himself to me, the more I insisted that he pays at 25 shillings – “until recall,” as his father explains, when he could go no further, at which point I would reduce [the lesson fee] to 20 shillings. Normandy, the Loire Valley, London for his daughter, etc. On that account I would not pull {recto} 180 marks from my pocket without further ado if my pupils should decide to pay 10 to 15 shillings. He will come on Mondays and Thursdays. 4 You will receive the copy of Jonas 5 when I see you. – Vrieslander is writing and will soon publish a book (also about me); I shall read out his letter to you. What I said to Wolf I must 6 repeat to you in full. © Translation William Drabkin, 2016 |
⇧ Postkarte Absender: ⇧ Schenker Wien, III Keilgasse 8 [An:] H Prof. M. Violin Wien, V, Wehrgasse 11/14 [postmark:] || 3 WIEN 40 | 26. IX. 33 11 | * 4f * || [For continuation of recto, see below] {verso} 26. 9. 33 Fl! 1 [All underlining, except where noted to the contrary, is in thick pencil, and is presumably by Violin.] Vor Allem, am Donnerstag tritt eine neue Gehilfin ein, bestens empfohlen. Na also! Dann gibt es bald ein Wiedersehen. 2 An W...berger habe ich einen Brief geschrieben, den LieLiechen „sehr schön“ fand (das will was sagen!); ich wollte nur, wäre der Erfolg stünde auf der Höhe des Glücks, das ich empfand, ihn schreiben zu dürfen. 3 Soeben hat mich W. verlassen. Ich bestand, je mehr er mir den Vater u sich „erklären“ wollte, erst recht drauf, daß er à 25 S. zahlt, „bis auf Widerruf,“ wie der Vater erklärt, er könne nicht weiter, wo ich dann auf 20 S heruntergehe. Normandie, Lorr Loiretal, London für die Tochter u.s.w. Da laß’ ich mir nicht so ohneweiters {recto} 180 Mk aus der Tasche ziehen, wenn meine Schüler sich 10–15 S. zahlen lassen. Er kommt Montag u. Donnerst. 4 Das Ex. .. Jonas 5 kriegst du wenn ich dich sehe. – Vriesl. schreibt u. veröffentlicht in Bälde ein Buch (auch über mich), seinen Brief lese ich Euch vor. Was ich Wolf sagte, muß 6 ich dir vollinhaltlich wiederholen! © Transcription William Drabkin, 2012 |
⇧ Postcard From: ⇧ Schenker Vienna III, Keilgasse 8 [To:] Prof. M. Violin Vienna V Wehrgasse 11/14 [postmark:] || 3 VIENNA 40 | 26. IX. 33 11 | * 4f * || [For continuation of recto, see below] {verso} September 26, 1933 Floriz, 1 [All underlining, except where noted to the contrary, is in thick pencil, and is presumably by Violin.] First of all, on Thursday a new helper is arriving, with the best recommendations. Well, then! Then we shall soon have a reunion. 2 I have written a letter to Weissberger , which Lie-Liechen thought was “very beautiful” (that is saying something!); I only wanted the success to stand at the height of the happiness that I felt at being allowed to write to him. 3 Wolf has just left me. The more he wished to “explain” his father and himself to me, the more I insisted that he pays at 25 shillings – “until recall,” as his father explains, when he could go no further, at which point I would reduce [the lesson fee] to 20 shillings. Normandy, the Loire Valley, London for his daughter, etc. On that account I would not pull {recto} 180 marks from my pocket without further ado if my pupils should decide to pay 10 to 15 shillings. He will come on Mondays and Thursdays. 4 You will receive the copy of Jonas 5 when I see you. – Vrieslander is writing and will soon publish a book (also about me); I shall read out his letter to you. What I said to Wolf I must 6 repeat to you in full. © Translation William Drabkin, 2016 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker’s diary for September 26, 1933: “An Floriz (K.): über Wolf: zwei Stunden zu S. 25 – auch Vrieslander plant eine Publikation.” (“To Floriz (postcard): concerning Wolf: two lessons at 25 shillings – Vrieslander is also planning a publication.”). On the same day, Schenker wrote a letter of recommendation on behalf of Violin to Alfred Weissberger – evidence that Violin was seeking a position at the Neue Schule für Musik und Bühnenkunst in Vienna. 2 Schenker inserts an em-dash at this point, then continues without paragraph break. 3 i.e. a letter of recommendation on Moriz Violin’s behalf. The letter is not known to survive. — Schenker inserts an em-dash at this point, then continues without paragraph break. 4 In Schenker’s schedule for 1934/35 (OC A/264) Wolf is assigned the first lesson on Wednesdays and Saturdays, which itself contradicts Schenker’s plan to reduce from two lessons to one per week in the second year. —Schenker inserts an em-dash at this point, then continues without paragraph break. 5 The "copy" is of Oswald Jonas, "Heinrich Schenker," Allgemeine Musikzeitung lx (1933), 425‒27 and 437‒39; a copy is preserved as OC 30/6‒7, and a photocopy as OJ 38/22 with excerpts from a letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin containing his "opinion of the article". Jonas notified Schenker of its publication in OJ 12/6, [23], on September 12, 1933. He promised a second copy, to be forwarded to Anthony van Hoboken. 6 “muß” (“must”) is first underlined in ink by Schenker, and then the larger underlining in thick pencil, presumably by Violin, reinforces it. |
Digital version created: 2022-02-10 |