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Absender: H Schenker
III., Reisnerstr. 38

[An:] Herrn Direktor Hertzka
I, Maximilianstr.
11. „Universal-Edition“

[postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 49 | [illeg] IV 08 – 4 | [illeg] ||


Sehr geehrter Herr Director! 1

Ich bringe morgen weitere Blätter mit, so gegen 5h. 2 Es ist, wie Sie sehen werden, eine wirklich starke Arbeit, die viel, viel Zeit braucht, aber auch eine gut verbesserte u. vermehrte Auflage bringt.

Mit ausgez. Hochachtung
[signed:] H Schenker

9. 4. 08

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2004, 2016


From: H. Schenker
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

[To:]Director Hertzka
[Vienna] I, Maximilianstraße 11
Universal Edition

[postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 49 | [illeg] IV 08 – 4 | [illeg] ||


Dear Director, 1

I shall bring further pages with me tomorrow at about 5 p.m. 2 As you will see, it is a really formidable piece of work that takes a huge amount of time, but at the same time makes for a much improved and enlarged edition.

With kind regards,
[signed:] H. Schenker

April 9, 1908

© Translation Ian Bent, 2004, 2016


Absender: H Schenker
III., Reisnerstr. 38

[An:] Herrn Direktor Hertzka
I, Maximilianstr.
11. „Universal-Edition“

[postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 49 | [illeg] IV 08 – 4 | [illeg] ||


Sehr geehrter Herr Director! 1

Ich bringe morgen weitere Blätter mit, so gegen 5h. 2 Es ist, wie Sie sehen werden, eine wirklich starke Arbeit, die viel, viel Zeit braucht, aber auch eine gut verbesserte u. vermehrte Auflage bringt.

Mit ausgez. Hochachtung
[signed:] H Schenker

9. 4. 08

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2004, 2016


From: H. Schenker
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

[To:]Director Hertzka
[Vienna] I, Maximilianstraße 11
Universal Edition

[postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 49 | [illeg] IV 08 – 4 | [illeg] ||


Dear Director, 1

I shall bring further pages with me tomorrow at about 5 p.m. 2 As you will see, it is a really formidable piece of work that takes a huge amount of time, but at the same time makes for a much improved and enlarged edition.

With kind regards,
[signed:] H. Schenker

April 9, 1908

© Translation Ian Bent, 2004, 2016


1 Writing of this letter is not recorded in Schenker's diary, but the following entry relates to it: OJ 1/7, p. 89, April 9, 1908: "Gleichwohl Besserung des Nervenzustandes im Zusammenhange mit der fortschreitenden Arbeit." ("Nevertheless, improvement in my nervous condition in connection with the on-going work."). The letter concerns production of revisions for the 2nd edition of the Beitrag zur Ornamentik .

2 There is no entry in Schenker's diary for April 10 (in fact there are no entries between April 9 and June 30).


Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, in the public domain
This document is deemed to have been in the public domain as of January 1, 2006. All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk.
Printed postcard, holograph sender and recipient addresses recto: holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature verso
Universal Edition Archive (document date-1976)—on permanent loan to the Wienbibliothek im Rathhaus (1976-)

Digital version created: 2016-03-13
Last updated: 2010-03-04