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Sehr geehrter Herr Direktor! 1

Ach! Sie sind so ferne von mir; daher vorläufig schriftlicher Austausch. 2

Die 1ste Korrectur ist fertig. Die 2te ("von den Manieren selbst" 3 ) hoffe ich bald zu sehen. Ganz am Schluss der Arbeit werden alle Notenbeispiele fortlaufend num[m]eriert, ein Inhaltsverzeichis beigegeben, u. ein Vorwort geliefert werden. Es wird so ein sehr praktischer Hand- (Lern- u. Lehr)-büchlein) zur Ornamentik vorstellen, u[m] Ihnen u. mir Freude machen.

Diese Fassung wird ohne Zweifel, wenigstens auf Jahre hinaus, eine definitive bleiben, u. ich würde Ihnen daher empfehlen, die Frage zu erwägen, ob es nicht praktisch wäre, mit der II. zugleich eine III. Auflage in Einem zu {2} verbinden, was doch sicher eine beträchtliche Kostenersparnis bedeuten würde. 4 Ich glaube, es war des Schweißes eines. "Edlen" wert.

Mit ergb. Grüßen
[signed:] H Schenker [/] todtmüde!

21. 5. 08

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2004, 2016

Dear Director, 1

Ah! You are so far away from me; hence temporarily [a] written exchange. 2

The first [batch of] proofs is finished. The second ("On the Embellishments Themselves" 3 ) I hope to see soon. At the very end of the task, all music examples will be through-numbered, a Table of Contents added, and a Foreword supplied. It is turning into such a practical hand-book (for student and teacher) on ornamentation as will give you and me pleasure.

This version will without doubt, at least for years to come, remain the definitive one, and I would therefore recommend you to ponder whether it would not be practical to [?conflate] a 3rd edition with the 2nd all in one, {2} which would surely mean a considerable saving in costs. 4 I believe it was worth the sweat of a "nobleman".

With devoted greetings,
[signed:] H. Schenker [/] dead tired!

May 21, 1908

© Translation Ian Bent, 2004, 2016

Sehr geehrter Herr Direktor! 1

Ach! Sie sind so ferne von mir; daher vorläufig schriftlicher Austausch. 2

Die 1ste Korrectur ist fertig. Die 2te ("von den Manieren selbst" 3 ) hoffe ich bald zu sehen. Ganz am Schluss der Arbeit werden alle Notenbeispiele fortlaufend num[m]eriert, ein Inhaltsverzeichis beigegeben, u. ein Vorwort geliefert werden. Es wird so ein sehr praktischer Hand- (Lern- u. Lehr)-büchlein) zur Ornamentik vorstellen, u[m] Ihnen u. mir Freude machen.

Diese Fassung wird ohne Zweifel, wenigstens auf Jahre hinaus, eine definitive bleiben, u. ich würde Ihnen daher empfehlen, die Frage zu erwägen, ob es nicht praktisch wäre, mit der II. zugleich eine III. Auflage in Einem zu {2} verbinden, was doch sicher eine beträchtliche Kostenersparnis bedeuten würde. 4 Ich glaube, es war des Schweißes eines. "Edlen" wert.

Mit ergb. Grüßen
[signed:] H Schenker [/] todtmüde!

21. 5. 08

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2004, 2016

Dear Director, 1

Ah! You are so far away from me; hence temporarily [a] written exchange. 2

The first [batch of] proofs is finished. The second ("On the Embellishments Themselves" 3 ) I hope to see soon. At the very end of the task, all music examples will be through-numbered, a Table of Contents added, and a Foreword supplied. It is turning into such a practical hand-book (for student and teacher) on ornamentation as will give you and me pleasure.

This version will without doubt, at least for years to come, remain the definitive one, and I would therefore recommend you to ponder whether it would not be practical to [?conflate] a 3rd edition with the 2nd all in one, {2} which would surely mean a considerable saving in costs. 4 I believe it was worth the sweat of a "nobleman".

With devoted greetings,
[signed:] H. Schenker [/] dead tired!

May 21, 1908

© Translation Ian Bent, 2004, 2016


1 Writing of this letter is not recorded in Schenker's diary. It concerns production of revisions for the 2nd edition of the Beitrag zur Ornamentik .

2 Evidently Hertzka was away at the time.

3 There is no section so entitled. The main body of the book is entitled "Die Manieren" ("The Ornaments"), and covers pp. 24–72. It is unclear whether Schenker has corrected a complete set of proofs at this point and now awaits second proofs, or whether he has seen first proofs of pp. 1–23 and awaits pp. 24–72. His remark in WSLB 4, April 22, that he is glad to have held on to the "last gatherings" suggests the former, as does the reference to "second proofs" in WSLB 6, May 27. The work comprises nine regular quaternions (=8-p gatherings) plus a single sheet = 74pp; no gathering begins with that wording, nor does the title "The Ornaments" coincide with the beginning of a gathering.

4 According to the UE Archive Verlagsbuch UE 812, the 2nd edition was sent to the printers on April 8, but he continued to send new material at least for some days after that. Conceivably, Schenker is still revising the work at this point, with a view to a 3rd edition, and is now proposing merging them. Just to confuse matters further, "to conflate", here "in einem zu verbinden", also means "bind together."


Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, in the public domain
This document is deemed to have been in the public domain as of January 1, 2006. All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk.
2p letter, holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signaturen
Universal Edition Archive (document date-1976)—on permanent loan to the Wienbibliothek im Rathhaus (1976-)

Digital version created: 2016-03-13
Last updated: 2010-03-01