Von Dahms (K.= OJ 10/1, [71] aus Sorrent): Gratulation. 1 — Kammerer — Mittler bleibt 2 Stunden. — An Dr. Halberstam (K. Br.): kündige die Mondschein-Sonate an. — An Dr. Kalmus (Br.): bestelle die Mondschein-Sonate . — An Sophie (Br.): Dank; Gratulation zu ihrem Geburtstag. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
From Dahms (postcard= OJ 10/1, [71] from Sorrento): congratulations. 1 — Kammerer — Mittler stays for two hours. — To Dr. Halberstam (postcard letter): give notice of the "Moonlight" Sonata . — To Dr. Kalmus (letter): order the "Moonlight" Sonata . — To Sophie (letter): thanks; congratulations on her birthday. —© Translation Scott Witmer. |
Von Dahms (K.= OJ 10/1, [71] aus Sorrent): Gratulation. 1 — Kammerer — Mittler bleibt 2 Stunden. — An Dr. Halberstam (K. Br.): kündige die Mondschein-Sonate an. — An Dr. Kalmus (Br.): bestelle die Mondschein-Sonate . — An Sophie (Br.): Dank; Gratulation zu ihrem Geburtstag. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
From Dahms (postcard= OJ 10/1, [71] from Sorrento): congratulations. 1 — Kammerer — Mittler stays for two hours. — To Dr. Halberstam (postcard letter): give notice of the "Moonlight" Sonata . — To Dr. Kalmus (letter): order the "Moonlight" Sonata . — To Sophie (letter): thanks; congratulations on her birthday. —© Translation Scott Witmer. |
Footnotes1 For Schenker's 54th birthday, June 19. |