Vor den Stunden das Paket= OC 54/142 an den Verlag zur Post gebracht. —Aus Bonn 3 Exemplare der Beethoven-Beilage. 1 — Von Mozio (K.): bittet um ein Exemplar. — An Brahms’ Rhapsodie Hmoll Linie (für Brünauer). 2 — Nach der Jause mit Lie-Liechen im Regen Einkäufe. — ¾7–½8h Direktor Altmann (schicke Dr. Brünauer fort). 3 — Rf.: Septett. — Lie-Liechen schreibt an Telkamp; bittet um Rat. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
Before the lessons, the package= OC 54/142 for the publisher brought to the Post Office. — From Bonn, three copies of the Beethoven supplement. 1 — From Mozio (poscard): he asks for a copy. — Work on the Urlinie of Brahms's Rhapsody in B minor (for Brünauer). 2 — After teatime, shopping in the rain with Lie-Liechen. — From 6:45 until 7:30, Director Altmann (I send Dr. Brünauer away). 3 — Radio: Septet. — Lie-Liechen writes to Telkamp, asking for advice. —© Translation William Drabkin. |
Vor den Stunden das Paket= OC 54/142 an den Verlag zur Post gebracht. —Aus Bonn 3 Exemplare der Beethoven-Beilage. 1 — Von Mozio (K.): bittet um ein Exemplar. — An Brahms’ Rhapsodie Hmoll Linie (für Brünauer). 2 — Nach der Jause mit Lie-Liechen im Regen Einkäufe. — ¾7–½8h Direktor Altmann (schicke Dr. Brünauer fort). 3 — Rf.: Septett. — Lie-Liechen schreibt an Telkamp; bittet um Rat. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
Before the lessons, the package= OC 54/142 for the publisher brought to the Post Office. — From Bonn, three copies of the Beethoven supplement. 1 — From Mozio (poscard): he asks for a copy. — Work on the Urlinie of Brahms's Rhapsody in B minor (for Brünauer). 2 — After teatime, shopping in the rain with Lie-Liechen. — From 6:45 until 7:30, Director Altmann (I send Dr. Brünauer away). 3 — Radio: Septet. — Lie-Liechen writes to Telkamp, asking for advice. —© Translation William Drabkin. |
Footnotes1 Schenker, "Beethoven und seine Nachfahren," General Anzeiger für Bonn und Umgegend, March 26, 1927, 3‒4. 2 Lessonbook 1926/27, p. 7 (Brünauer): March 21: "Repeats Brahms Rhapsody in B minor (graphs)"; April 4: "Among other things, the coda of the Rhapsody in B minor"; April 16: "Models of individual passages from the Nocturne in Fě major, Eę major, and from the Rhapsody in B minor as consolidation." Evelina Pairamall also worked on this piece at this time: lessonbook 1926/27, p. 22. 3 Cf. Lessonbook 1926/27, p. 7 (Brünauer): March 28: "Interruption by Prof. Altmann." |