3. Regen, 5°.
— Von Vrieslander (Br.): über seinen Kunstwart-Aufsatz. 1 — Von Oppel Br. u. Noten! — Von Deutsch (pn. K.= OJ 10/3, [117]): Donnerstag gilt. — {3438} Von 11–½1h bei Haas wegen der Händel-Kantaten, 50. Bd. No. 8 u. 21 (für Oppel); 2 Haas erzählt, daß v. H. die Zuwendung an das Archiv in diesem Jahre bedeutend eingeschränkt habe, entgegen seiner Zusage, sie im gleichen Ausmaß fortzusetzen u. davon das Jahrbuch auch zu decken. — Lie-Liechen schließt um 9h das Finale [der Eroica]; – Vortrag u. Vorwort stehen noch aus. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
3, rain, 5°.
— From Vrieslander (letter): concerning his article for Der Kunstwart . 1 — From Oppel, letter and music! — From Deutsch (postcard= OJ 10/3, [117] sent by pneumatic mail): Thursday is agreed. — {3438} From 11 to 12:30, with Haas on account of Handel's cantatas, vol. 50, Nos 8 and 21 (for Oppel); 2 Haas says that Hoboken significantly reduced his support for the Archive, in contradiction to his agreement to continue it to the same degree and also to subvent the cost of its yearbook. — Lie-Liechen completes the finale [of the "Eroica" ] at 9 o'clock; – Performance section and Foreword still remain to be done. —© Translation William Drabkin. |
3. Regen, 5°.
— Von Vrieslander (Br.): über seinen Kunstwart-Aufsatz. 1 — Von Oppel Br. u. Noten! — Von Deutsch (pn. K.= OJ 10/3, [117]): Donnerstag gilt. — {3438} Von 11–½1h bei Haas wegen der Händel-Kantaten, 50. Bd. No. 8 u. 21 (für Oppel); 2 Haas erzählt, daß v. H. die Zuwendung an das Archiv in diesem Jahre bedeutend eingeschränkt habe, entgegen seiner Zusage, sie im gleichen Ausmaß fortzusetzen u. davon das Jahrbuch auch zu decken. — Lie-Liechen schließt um 9h das Finale [der Eroica]; – Vortrag u. Vorwort stehen noch aus. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
3, rain, 5°.
— From Vrieslander (letter): concerning his article for Der Kunstwart . 1 — From Oppel, letter and music! — From Deutsch (postcard= OJ 10/3, [117] sent by pneumatic mail): Thursday is agreed. — {3438} From 11 to 12:30, with Haas on account of Handel's cantatas, vol. 50, Nos 8 and 21 (for Oppel); 2 Haas says that Hoboken significantly reduced his support for the Archive, in contradiction to his agreement to continue it to the same degree and also to subvent the cost of its yearbook. — Lie-Liechen completes the finale [of the "Eroica" ] at 9 o'clock; – Performance section and Foreword still remain to be done. —© Translation William Drabkin. |
Footnotes1 Otto Vrieslander, "Heinrich Schenker," Der Kunstwart xliii (1930), 181‒89, copies surviving as OJ 58/21 and OC 52/p.80, item 3. 2 Regarding Oppel's realizations of Handel cantatas, see Timothy L. Jackson, ""Heinrich Schenker as Composition Teacher: The Schenker‒Oppel Exchange,"" Music Analysis xx/1 (March 2001), 1‒115. |