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  • Berceuse in Db major, Op. 57
  • mc000366


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  • OJ 6/7, [34] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated June 30, 1927

    Schenker answers Violin's birthday greetings letter philosophically. He is able to work on the final version Der freie Satz at leisure and in good spirits. He reports on the establishment of an archive of photographic reproductions of autograph and gives an account of a visit from Violin's sister Fanny: in return for a picture of Karl Violin, he is enclosing two pictures of himself and one of Jeanette. Finally, he urges his friend to spend part of the summer in Galtür.

  • OJ 89/6, [8] Typewritten letter (carbon copy), from Hoboken to Schenker, dated July 20, 1933

    The Hobokens will not come to Reigersberg; — He re-sends his two songs for further comment; — He sends a booklet by Gottfried Benn; — They are isolated in Partenkirchen, and are distressed at events in Germany; — Alfred Cortot has visited the Photogram Archive and expressed an interest.

  • OJ 89/6, [9] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hoboken, dated July 25, 1933

    In writing of Hoboken's prospects as a composer, Schenker is not interested in creating imitation Bachs and Brahmses. — He delights in Cortot's visit to the Photogram Archive - but Cortot belongs to the already convinced. — He makes observations on some inclosed feuilletons, and gives information about Goos.

