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Composer and conductor.

Son of the long-time city organist and music director of Hermannstadt, Jan Levoslav Bella (1843-1936), Rudolf Bella studied composition with Eusebius Mandyczewski and conducting with Franz Schalk in Vienna. He was editor of the Musikpädagogische Zeitschrift , held a conducting post in Czernowitz, Rumania, 1921-24, and was music director in Ravensburg, Germany, 1925-39.

Correspondence with Schenker

Schenker received one postcard from Bella, March 8?, 1916 (OJ 11/22, [5]), from the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde on behalf of Eusebius Mandyczewski.


  • OeML , I (2002), 128-29 and online


  • Martin Eybl

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