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Music critic and essayist, working in Brussels.

Foreign political reporter for the daily newspaper L'Indépendence belge from 1874, Kufferath became a member of staff at Le guide musical (pubd 1855-93) in 1875; in 1887 be became editor-in-chief of the latter, and in 1891 its owner. Under Kufferath, the weekly magazine, which promoted the work of Wagner, became one of the most important French-language musical journals. From 1900 to 1914, he was Director of the Théâtre de la Monnaie. During World War I, he lived in Switzerland, and in 1918 resumed his directorship of the theater. Kufferath also wrote monographs, and studies of invidual operas.


  • MGG

Contributor: Marko Deisinger

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