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Viennese music critic.

Stauber was music critic of the Illustrirtes Wiener Extrablatt; he belonged to the circle around Robert Hirschfeld, whom he defended against attacks by Paul Stefan in his book Das wahre Erbe Mahlers. Vom Kriegsschauplatz der Wiener Hofoper: Kleine Beiträge zur Geschichte der Wiener Hofoper nebst einem Anhang: Dokumente zum Fall Hirschfeld (Vienna: Huber, 1909). In 1907-09, he polemicized massively against Arnold Schoenberg, and took an active part in the riots surrounding the first performance of the latter's Second String Quartet in December 1908.

Correspondence with Schenker

One letter from Stauber to Schenker survives, written in Stauber's capacity as Secretary of the Vereinigung Wiener Musikreferenten (OJ 14/44, September 30, 1910), co-signed with Theodor Antropp.


  • Eybl, Martin, Die Befreiung des Augenblicks: Schönbergs Skandalkonzerte von 1907 und 1908 (Vienna: Böhlau, 2004)


  • Martin Eybl

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