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OJ 15/6, [6] Handwritten letter from Fritz Wahle to Schenker, undated [November ?27–28, ?1906]
In a letter written in the course of two evenings, Fritz Wahle thanks Schenker for sending him a copy of his latest book (probably Harmonielehre), which he wants to be among the first to read. He congratulates Schenker for having maintained such high goals in the writing of the work, which only Philistines would misunderstand, or seek to misrepresent. The letter includes an attempt to compare a servant who doesn’t know how to wear his master’s clothes to a philistine critic who has no concept of the value of a serious act of creation.
Diary entry by Schenker for 20 December 1915
Diary entry by Schenker for 22 December 1915
Diary entry by Schenker for 19 December 1923