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Health resort in the western part of the Czech Republic, between the Bavarian border [Oberpfalz] and the Kaiserwald [Císařský], 125 km (c. 75 miles) west of Prague, 75 km (c. 45 miles) east of Bayreuth. In the Carlsbad [Karlovy Vary] region of Bohemia, it became part of Czechoslovakia in 1918, hence of the Czech Republic in 1993.

Marienbad and Schenker

Following the death of Schenker's mother, Julia Schenker, on December 22, 1917, the Jewish mourner's prayer [kaddish] was arranged to be said for her in Marienbad (OJ 12/10, p. 830, January 19, 1918).


  • Marko Deisinger

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