... figuratively; it may be a private joke. Mit den besten Wünschen unsigned Baron Alphonse de Rothschild IV Heugasse 24. no salutation Please let me know if this is not the right edition. – Twilight of the Gods will not appear for a short while yet. With best ...
... die Pausen rückerhalte. Urlinien erhalten Herr Professor sehr bald und wird von meiner Seite gewiss keine Verzögerung des Druckens erfolgen. Da diese Lesung die letzte ist so bitte ich jede Figur sorgfältigst durchsehen zu wollen z.B. Fig. 44 (Kopp. es ...
... subvention, he would rather run the risk that the examples be placed after the text; he has been instructed that presentation in the text would certainly have to make the book more expensive. It is clear that he has settled on a figure for both of our works ...
... ) and Tetschen (Děčín), now in the Czech Republic (modern name Velké Březno). The brewery has existed there since 1753 (label "Břežnák," also "Großpriesener," now part of Heineken). — Tchotek: Karel Chotek was a significant figure in the 19th ...
... , dass die von Ihnen erwähnten Aenderungen in Figur 11 und 29 ordnungsgemäss durchgeführt sind. Es war auch noch möglich die gewünschte Korrektur in Tafel Takt 28 vorzunehmen. Von dieser Tafel erhielten Sie von der Mandruck Revisionsabzüge. Mit ...
... copies. We can, of course, give you firm figures only when we have received the manuscript that is ready for printing and also the pages of music. With the expression of our highest regards, Drei Masken Verlag & Co. p.p. Demblin I thank them kindly for ...
... , September 9, 1908 Dr. Heinrich Schenker Vienna III, Reisnerstraße 38 Dear Dr. Schenker, In the enclosure, we have the honor of forwarding to you the sales figures for New Musical Theories and Fantasies, vol. I for the year 1907, and are simultaneously ...
... my Fantasy at sight (Hotel Bristol). The artist himself has an unfullfilled personality: he lacks what it takes to be a great artist, a great human ... [he is] a muted figure.”). — Schenker’s Fantasie, Op. 2, for piano, was published by Breitkopf ...
... receive the second proof of Figures 1-9 with a request to check the corrections. We take this opportunity of respectfully informing you that the reproductions in the connoisseur edition will be done by photolithography. With kind regards, Universal Edition ...
... form part of the edition, released on or about July 24, 1903. einverstanden erklärt und ein Honorar von K 200. – Figure underlined by Schenker. hiefür bewilligt hat. Falls dieser Betrag, der – wie wir uns gleich höflichst zu bemerken erlauben – ein ...