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OC 54/252 - Typewritten postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated December 1, 1930
[printed:] ⇧ POSTKARTE [emblem: in rectangle: obelisk with “DMV” below plinth] ⇧ DREI MASKEN VERLAG A.-G. MÜNCHEN KAROLINENPLATZ 3 ⇧ Herrn Dr. H. Schenker Wien III Keilgasse 8 {verso} ⇧ Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker, Wien III München, den 1. Dezember 1930 Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor! 1 Wir danken bestens für Ihre Karte vom 29. November 2 und sind sehr erfreut, das der Vortrag auf dem 9. verschoben ist; falls nun Röder bis heute früh die druckfertigen Noten, die er zum Lesen der Druckrevision unbedingt gebraucht hat, erhalten hat, was wir hoffen, so wird er die ersten Exemplaren noch fertigstellen können nach seiner Aussage. Die genaue Adresse bekommen wir laut Ihre Angabe noch. 3 © Transcription William Drabkin, 2023 |
[printed:] ⇧ POSTCARD [emblem: in rectangle: obelisk with “DMV” below plinth] ⇧ DREI MASKEN VERLAG & CO. MUNICH KAROLINENPLATZ 3 ⇧ Dr. H. Schenker Vienna III Keilgasse 8 {verso} ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker, Vienna III Munich, December 1, 1930 Dear Dr. [Schenker], 1 Many thanks for your postcard of November 29; 2 we are delighted to hear that the lecture has been postponed until the 9th. If Röder, as we hope, receives the music that is ready for press by this morning – which is absolutely necessary for the reading of the revision – then, as they say, they will be able to prepare the first copies [in time]. We still await the exact address [of where the lecture will be given] from you. 3 © Translation William Drabkin, 2023 |
[printed:] ⇧ POSTKARTE [emblem: in rectangle: obelisk with “DMV” below plinth] ⇧ DREI MASKEN VERLAG A.-G. MÜNCHEN KAROLINENPLATZ 3 ⇧ Herrn Dr. H. Schenker Wien III Keilgasse 8 {verso} ⇧ Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker, Wien III München, den 1. Dezember 1930 Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor! 1 Wir danken bestens für Ihre Karte vom 29. November 2 und sind sehr erfreut, das der Vortrag auf dem 9. verschoben ist; falls nun Röder bis heute früh die druckfertigen Noten, die er zum Lesen der Druckrevision unbedingt gebraucht hat, erhalten hat, was wir hoffen, so wird er die ersten Exemplaren noch fertigstellen können nach seiner Aussage. Die genaue Adresse bekommen wir laut Ihre Angabe noch. 3 © Transcription William Drabkin, 2023 |
[printed:] ⇧ POSTCARD [emblem: in rectangle: obelisk with “DMV” below plinth] ⇧ DREI MASKEN VERLAG & CO. MUNICH KAROLINENPLATZ 3 ⇧ Dr. H. Schenker Vienna III Keilgasse 8 {verso} ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker, Vienna III Munich, December 1, 1930 Dear Dr. [Schenker], 1 Many thanks for your postcard of November 29; 2 we are delighted to hear that the lecture has been postponed until the 9th. If Röder, as we hope, receives the music that is ready for press by this morning – which is absolutely necessary for the reading of the revision – then, as they say, they will be able to prepare the first copies [in time]. We still await the exact address [of where the lecture will be given] from you. 3 © Translation William Drabkin, 2023 |
Footnotes1 Receipt of this postcard is recorded in Schenker’s diary for December 2, 1930: “Vom Verlag (K.): werde zum 9. Erscheinen.” (“From the publishers (postcard): [the Yearbook] will be published by the 9th.”) 2 Schenker’s diary records a postcard to the publishers to say that Hans Weisse would be giving his lecture on the 9th of December, and again on the 10th. 3 On November 30, Schenker received a postcard (OJ 15/15, [50]) from Hans Weisse with the address of the Central Institute for Music Pedagogy in Berlin, where his lecture was to be given. |
Digital version created: 2023-10-22 |