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OC 54/35 - Typewritten postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated September 22, 1925
[in Jugendstil type, all in triple rule-frame:] ⇧ POSTKARTE [graphic device with "DMV" below] ⇧ DREI MASKEN VERLAG A.-G. MÜNCHEN KAROLINENPLATZ 3 ⇧ Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker Wien VIII [sic] Keilgasse 8 [postmark:] || MÜNCHEN | 22 9 25 9-10 M | * 2 * || {verso} München, den 22. 9. 25. Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor! 1 Wir haben heute unsern Kommissionär F. Volckmar beauftragt, Ihnen den Betrag M 250.– baldmöglichst zu überweisen. Wir hoffen also bestimmt, dass Sie in den nächsten Tagen im Besitze des Geldes sind. © Transcription Kirstie Hewlett, 2012 |
[in Jugendstil type, all in triple rule-frame:] ⇧ POSTCARD [graphic device with "DMV" below] ⇧ DREI MASKEN VERLAG & Co. MUNICH KAROLINENPLATZ 3 ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Vienna VIII [sic] Keilgasse 8 [postmark:] || MUNICH | 22 9 25 9-10 M | * 2 * || {verso} Munich, September 22, 1925 Dear Dr. [Schenker], 1 Today we have authorized our finance officer F. Volckmar to transfer to you the sum of 250 Marks as soon as possible. We certainly hope, therefore, that in the next few days you will be in receipt of this money. © Translation William Drabkin, 2013 |
[in Jugendstil type, all in triple rule-frame:] ⇧ POSTKARTE [graphic device with "DMV" below] ⇧ DREI MASKEN VERLAG A.-G. MÜNCHEN KAROLINENPLATZ 3 ⇧ Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker Wien VIII [sic] Keilgasse 8 [postmark:] || MÜNCHEN | 22 9 25 9-10 M | * 2 * || {verso} München, den 22. 9. 25. Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor! 1 Wir haben heute unsern Kommissionär F. Volckmar beauftragt, Ihnen den Betrag M 250.– baldmöglichst zu überweisen. Wir hoffen also bestimmt, dass Sie in den nächsten Tagen im Besitze des Geldes sind. © Transcription Kirstie Hewlett, 2012 |
[in Jugendstil type, all in triple rule-frame:] ⇧ POSTCARD [graphic device with "DMV" below] ⇧ DREI MASKEN VERLAG & Co. MUNICH KAROLINENPLATZ 3 ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Vienna VIII [sic] Keilgasse 8 [postmark:] || MUNICH | 22 9 25 9-10 M | * 2 * || {verso} Munich, September 22, 1925 Dear Dr. [Schenker], 1 Today we have authorized our finance officer F. Volckmar to transfer to you the sum of 250 Marks as soon as possible. We certainly hope, therefore, that in the next few days you will be in receipt of this money. © Translation William Drabkin, 2013 |
Footnotes1 Receipt of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/7, p. 2870, September 24, 1925: "Von dem Drei Masken Verlag (K.): kündigen durch ihren Kommissionär 250 RM. an." ("From Drei Masken Verlag (postcard): they announce [transfer of] 250 Reichsmarks through their finance officer."). |
Digital version created: 2013-09-24 |