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OC B/156 - Typewritten postcard from Wilhelm Altmann to Schenker, postmarked January 18, 1921
⇧ Postkarte [An: ] ⇧ Herrn Dr. Schenker Wien III Reissnerstr. [sic] 38. [postmark:] || BERLIN NW | 18. 1 21 4–5N | * [illeg]7 * || [circular stamp, around eagle crest:] KÖNIGL: BIBLIOTHEK ZU BERLIN [printed within rectangular frame, twice diagonally deleted by hand:] ⇧ Fr. d. A. 21 1 Kgl. Pr. Bibliothek {verso} ⇧ KÖNIGLICHE BIBLIOTHEK ⇧ Preussische Staatsbibliothek ⇧ BERLIN NW7, den [left blank] Unter den Linden 38 ⇧ Sehr geehrter Herr Professor ⇧ ! 2 ⇧ Erst ⇧ heute ⇧ ist ihr Brief vom 11. 3 eingetroffen. Ich muss Sie bitten, sich leide[r] noch etwas zu gedulden. Vor Anfang Februar dürfte das Photographieren der Sätze 2–4 von Beethovens C moll-Synphonie [sic] nicht in Angriff genommen werden. Für möglichst niederige Preisansetzung werde ich sorgen. Mit ausgezeichneter Hochachtung [signed:] Der Direktor der Musikabteilung [signed:] ⇧ Altmann ⇧ S.-N. 2195 © Transcription Nicholas Marston, 2014 |
⇧ Postcard [To: ] ⇧ Dr. Schenker Vienna III Reissnerstr. [sic] 38 [postmark:] || BERLIN NW | 18. 1 21 4–5 PM | * [illeg]7 * || [circular stamp, around eagle crest:] ROYAL LIBRARY BERLIN [printed within rectangular frame, twice diagonally deleted by hand:] ⇧ Free-franking privilege 21 1 Royal Prussian Library {verso} ⇧ ROYAL LIBRARY ⇧ Prussian State Library ⇧ BERLIN NW7, [left blank] Unter den Linden 38 ⇧ Dear Professor, 2 Your letter of the 11th 3 arrived only ⇧ today ⇧ . I am afraid that I must ask you to be patient a little longer. The photographing of the second, third, and fourth movements of Beethoven's C minor Symphony is unlikely to be taken in hand before the beginning of February. I will endeavor to arrange the lowest possible pricing rate. With kindest regards [signed:] The Director of the Music Department [signed:] ⇧ Altmann ⇧ Correspondence No. 2195 © Translation Nicholas Marston, 2014 |
⇧ Postkarte [An: ] ⇧ Herrn Dr. Schenker Wien III Reissnerstr. [sic] 38. [postmark:] || BERLIN NW | 18. 1 21 4–5N | * [illeg]7 * || [circular stamp, around eagle crest:] KÖNIGL: BIBLIOTHEK ZU BERLIN [printed within rectangular frame, twice diagonally deleted by hand:] ⇧ Fr. d. A. 21 1 Kgl. Pr. Bibliothek {verso} ⇧ KÖNIGLICHE BIBLIOTHEK ⇧ Preussische Staatsbibliothek ⇧ BERLIN NW7, den [left blank] Unter den Linden 38 ⇧ Sehr geehrter Herr Professor ⇧ ! 2 ⇧ Erst ⇧ heute ⇧ ist ihr Brief vom 11. 3 eingetroffen. Ich muss Sie bitten, sich leide[r] noch etwas zu gedulden. Vor Anfang Februar dürfte das Photographieren der Sätze 2–4 von Beethovens C moll-Synphonie [sic] nicht in Angriff genommen werden. Für möglichst niederige Preisansetzung werde ich sorgen. Mit ausgezeichneter Hochachtung [signed:] Der Direktor der Musikabteilung [signed:] ⇧ Altmann ⇧ S.-N. 2195 © Transcription Nicholas Marston, 2014 |
⇧ Postcard [To: ] ⇧ Dr. Schenker Vienna III Reissnerstr. [sic] 38 [postmark:] || BERLIN NW | 18. 1 21 4–5 PM | * [illeg]7 * || [circular stamp, around eagle crest:] ROYAL LIBRARY BERLIN [printed within rectangular frame, twice diagonally deleted by hand:] ⇧ Free-franking privilege 21 1 Royal Prussian Library {verso} ⇧ ROYAL LIBRARY ⇧ Prussian State Library ⇧ BERLIN NW7, [left blank] Unter den Linden 38 ⇧ Dear Professor, 2 Your letter of the 11th 3 arrived only ⇧ today ⇧ . I am afraid that I must ask you to be patient a little longer. The photographing of the second, third, and fourth movements of Beethoven's C minor Symphony is unlikely to be taken in hand before the beginning of February. I will endeavor to arrange the lowest possible pricing rate. With kindest regards [signed:] The Director of the Music Department [signed:] ⇧ Altmann ⇧ Correspondence No. 2195 © Translation Nicholas Marston, 2014 |
Footnotes1 "Fr. d. A." = "Frei durch Ablöse". 2 Receipt of this letter is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/2, pp. 2312–2313, January 20, 1921: "Von Altmann (K.): sagt Bilder (zu ermäßigten Preisen) für anfangs Februar zu." ("From Altmann (postcard): confirms that he will be able to deliver the photographs (at reduced prices) at the beginning of February."). 3 Writing of this letter, which is not known to survive, is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/2, p. 2310, January 11, 1921: "An Prof. Altmann (Br.): bestelle Bilder zur V. Sinfonie." ("To Professor Altmann (letter): I order photographs of the Fifth Symphony."). |
Digital version created: 2015-05-29 |