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[An: ] Herrn Dr. Schenker
Wien III
Reissnerstr. [sic] 38.

[postmark:] || BERLIN NW | 18. 1 21 4–5N | * [illeg]7 * ||

[circular stamp, around eagle crest:] KÖNIGL: BIBLIOTHEK ZU BERLIN

[printed within rectangular frame, twice diagonally deleted by hand:]
Fr. d. A. 21 1
Kgl. Pr. Bibliothek

Preussische Staatsbibliothek
BERLIN NW7, den [left blank]
Unter den Linden 38

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor ! 2

Erst heute ist ihr Brief vom 11. 3 eingetroffen. Ich muss Sie bitten, sich leide[r] noch etwas zu gedulden. Vor Anfang Februar dürfte das Photographieren der Sätze 2–4 von Beethovens C moll-Synphonie [sic] nicht in Angriff genommen werden. Für möglichst niederige Preisansetzung werde ich sorgen.

Mit ausgezeichneter Hochachtung
[signed:] Der Direktor der Musikabteilung
[signed:] Altmann

S.-N. 2195

© Transcription Nicholas Marston, 2014


[To: ] Dr. Schenker
Vienna III
Reissnerstr. [sic] 38

[postmark:] || BERLIN NW | 18. 1 21 4–5 PM | * [illeg]7 * ||

[circular stamp, around eagle crest:] ROYAL LIBRARY BERLIN

[printed within rectangular frame, twice diagonally deleted by hand:]
Free-franking privilege 21 1
Royal Prussian Library

Prussian State Library
BERLIN NW7, [left blank]
Unter den Linden 38

Dear Professor, 2

Your letter of the 11th 3 arrived only today . I am afraid that I must ask you to be patient a little longer. The photographing of the second, third, and fourth movements of Beethoven's C minor Symphony is unlikely to be taken in hand before the beginning of February. I will endeavor to arrange the lowest possible pricing rate.

With kindest regards
[signed:] The Director of the Music Department
[signed:] Altmann

Correspondence No. 2195

© Translation Nicholas Marston, 2014


[An: ] Herrn Dr. Schenker
Wien III
Reissnerstr. [sic] 38.

[postmark:] || BERLIN NW | 18. 1 21 4–5N | * [illeg]7 * ||

[circular stamp, around eagle crest:] KÖNIGL: BIBLIOTHEK ZU BERLIN

[printed within rectangular frame, twice diagonally deleted by hand:]
Fr. d. A. 21 1
Kgl. Pr. Bibliothek

Preussische Staatsbibliothek
BERLIN NW7, den [left blank]
Unter den Linden 38

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor ! 2

Erst heute ist ihr Brief vom 11. 3 eingetroffen. Ich muss Sie bitten, sich leide[r] noch etwas zu gedulden. Vor Anfang Februar dürfte das Photographieren der Sätze 2–4 von Beethovens C moll-Synphonie [sic] nicht in Angriff genommen werden. Für möglichst niederige Preisansetzung werde ich sorgen.

Mit ausgezeichneter Hochachtung
[signed:] Der Direktor der Musikabteilung
[signed:] Altmann

S.-N. 2195

© Transcription Nicholas Marston, 2014


[To: ] Dr. Schenker
Vienna III
Reissnerstr. [sic] 38

[postmark:] || BERLIN NW | 18. 1 21 4–5 PM | * [illeg]7 * ||

[circular stamp, around eagle crest:] ROYAL LIBRARY BERLIN

[printed within rectangular frame, twice diagonally deleted by hand:]
Free-franking privilege 21 1
Royal Prussian Library

Prussian State Library
BERLIN NW7, [left blank]
Unter den Linden 38

Dear Professor, 2

Your letter of the 11th 3 arrived only today . I am afraid that I must ask you to be patient a little longer. The photographing of the second, third, and fourth movements of Beethoven's C minor Symphony is unlikely to be taken in hand before the beginning of February. I will endeavor to arrange the lowest possible pricing rate.

With kindest regards
[signed:] The Director of the Music Department
[signed:] Altmann

Correspondence No. 2195

© Translation Nicholas Marston, 2014


1 "Fr. d. A." = "Frei durch Ablöse".

2 Receipt of this letter is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/2, pp. 2312–2313, January 20, 1921: "Von Altmann (K.): sagt Bilder (zu ermäßigten Preisen) für anfangs Februar zu." ("From Altmann (postcard): confirms that he will be able to deliver the photographs (at reduced prices) at the beginning of February.").

3 Writing of this letter, which is not known to survive, is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/2, p. 2310, January 11, 1921: "An Prof. Altmann (Br.): bestelle Bilder zur V. Sinfonie." ("To Professor Altmann (letter): I order photographs of the Fifth Symphony.").


Rights Holder
Representatives of the Prussian State Library, permission sought
Permission to publish being sought from the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
Printed postcard, handwritten recipient's address and postmark, recto; printed and stamped sender's address, typewritten message, handwritten correspondence number, holograph signature and annotations
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)

Digital version created: 2015-05-29
Last updated: 2012-09-26