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[printed:] Postkarte
[picture: lakeside village with mountains, captioned: “Pörtschach am Wörtersee, Kärnten”]

[An:] Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Wien III. {verso}
Wien, 24. März 34

Lieber Verehrter! 1

H. kommt also Anfang April nach Wien, was Sie wohl schon wissen. Ich fahre Anfang Mai nach Basel zu einem Schubert-Feste, das ich durch einen Vortrag einbegleite, das aber gekrönt wird durch die Aufführung aller Sinfonien (Weingartner). Aus diesen Gründen möchte ich Sie gerne nächste Woche sprechen. Ich bin am Dienstag nachmittags im Café Aspang beschäftigt, will vor 7 Uhr abends dort sein, könnte also Sie dort erwarten oder zu Ihnen kommen, nämlich vorher: um 4 oder 5 Uhr. Bitte geben Sie mir Bescheid. 2

Herzlichst ergeben Ihr
[signed:] O E Deutsch

NB. Weingartner macht nun doch die E-Sinfonie-Skizze 3 von Schubert fertig, im herbst für die UE.

Letztes Bulletin: H. baut nicht!

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] Postcard
[picture: lakeside village with mountains, captioned: “Pörtschach on the Wörtersee, Carinthia”]

[To:] Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Vienna III {verso}
Vienna, March 24, 1934

Dear revered friend, 1

Hoboken is coming to Vienna at the beginning of April, something you probably know already. I shall be traveling in early May to a Schubert conference in Basel, which I shall introduce with a lecture but which will be crowned by the performance of all the symphonies (conducted by Weingartner). For these reasons I would like to speak with you next week. I have business at the Café Aspang on Tuesday afternoon, I would like to be there before 7 o’clock in the evening and so could expect you there or come to you, beforehand: at 4 or 5 o’clock. Please let me know. 2

Your most cordially devoted
[signed:] O. E. Deutsch

NB. Weingartner is, after all, now preparing a completion of the the E major symphonic sketch by Schubert 3 for Universal Edition, for the autumn.

Latest bulletin: H. is not going to build!

© Translation William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] Postkarte
[picture: lakeside village with mountains, captioned: “Pörtschach am Wörtersee, Kärnten”]

[An:] Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Wien III. {verso}
Wien, 24. März 34

Lieber Verehrter! 1

H. kommt also Anfang April nach Wien, was Sie wohl schon wissen. Ich fahre Anfang Mai nach Basel zu einem Schubert-Feste, das ich durch einen Vortrag einbegleite, das aber gekrönt wird durch die Aufführung aller Sinfonien (Weingartner). Aus diesen Gründen möchte ich Sie gerne nächste Woche sprechen. Ich bin am Dienstag nachmittags im Café Aspang beschäftigt, will vor 7 Uhr abends dort sein, könnte also Sie dort erwarten oder zu Ihnen kommen, nämlich vorher: um 4 oder 5 Uhr. Bitte geben Sie mir Bescheid. 2

Herzlichst ergeben Ihr
[signed:] O E Deutsch

NB. Weingartner macht nun doch die E-Sinfonie-Skizze 3 von Schubert fertig, im herbst für die UE.

Letztes Bulletin: H. baut nicht!

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] Postcard
[picture: lakeside village with mountains, captioned: “Pörtschach on the Wörtersee, Carinthia”]

[To:] Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Vienna III {verso}
Vienna, March 24, 1934

Dear revered friend, 1

Hoboken is coming to Vienna at the beginning of April, something you probably know already. I shall be traveling in early May to a Schubert conference in Basel, which I shall introduce with a lecture but which will be crowned by the performance of all the symphonies (conducted by Weingartner). For these reasons I would like to speak with you next week. I have business at the Café Aspang on Tuesday afternoon, I would like to be there before 7 o’clock in the evening and so could expect you there or come to you, beforehand: at 4 or 5 o’clock. Please let me know. 2

Your most cordially devoted
[signed:] O. E. Deutsch

NB. Weingartner is, after all, now preparing a completion of the the E major symphonic sketch by Schubert 3 for Universal Edition, for the autumn.

Latest bulletin: H. is not going to build!

© Translation William Drabkin, 2023


1 Receipt of this postcard and response are recorded in Schenker’s diary for March 24, 1934: “Von Deutsch (K.): bittet um Dienstag – v. H. baut nicht! (auf daß in Erfüllung gehe das Wort des Propheten). — Bitte ihn telephonisch für Dienstag um 4h.” (“From Deutsch (postcard): he asks to come on Tuesday – Hoboken is not going to build! (and so the words of the prophet are fulfilled). I ask him over the telephone to come on Tuesday at 4 o’clock.”).

2 The meeting is reported at length in Schenker’s diary for March 27, 1934: “Von 4–7h Deutsch – holt aus für Vortragszwecke in Basel usw. über Schubert: Winke zu Stücken u. zum Wesen Schuberts, zu den Walzern – dann noch einmal Korrekturen zur Hm-Sinfonie (für Weingartner); erwartet eine Berufung an die Akademie – für den von mir geschaffenen Stoff! Aus der Bequemlichkeit des billigen Stoffes u. Lebens mit u. durch zahllosen Menschen hält er mir, dem Opfer Aller vor: Nur Ruhe bewahren, Gott wird helfen, es wird schon, herantreten lassen – das predigt einer, der an Alle herantritt, um sich helfen zu lassen – ich trage Kopfschmerzen davon.” (“From 4 to 7 o’clock, Deutsch – he talks at length to the purpose of giving lectures in Basel, and elsewhere, about Schubert: ideas about pieces, and about Schubert’s character; about the waltzes – then, once more, about the revisions to the B minor Symphony (for Weingartner). He expects an appointment to the Academy – for something that I did! From the comfort of easily won material and life, with and through the help of countless people, he lectures to me, the victim of everyone: ‘Just stay calm, God will help you, things will turn out, let yourself be approached’ – thus preaches someone who has approached everyone in order to let himself be helped – it gives me a headache.”).

3 The sketch, made in 1821 and to which the number D. 729 is assigned, covers the entirety of a four-movement symphony, but very little of it was orchestrated by Schubert himself. Weingartner’s completion was the first since John Francis Barnett’s, which was performed in London in 1883.


printed picture postcard: printed picture, typewritten recipient address, postmark and postage stamp, recto; typewritten salutation, message, valediction, and postscript, holograph signature and postscript, verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1956)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1956-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Otto Erich and Hanna Deutsch, published by kind permission
Permission to publish granted by the heirs of Otto Erich and Hanna Deutsch on February 12, 2008. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk

Digital version created: 2023-09-12
Last updated: 2015-09-19