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OJ 11/17, [2] - Handwritten letter from Eduard Gärtner to Schenker, dated July 14, 1912
ich kann nicht helfen. R. ist in den letzten Monaten von einem Künstlerpaar 2 ‒ ich habe die Correspondenten gelesen ‒ um 5000 † Kr. geschädigt worden. Es ist also ausgeschlossen, daß ich an ihn herantrete. Ich zerbreche mir den Kopf, wie [ich] {2} da zu helfen mag. Hoffentlich kann ich Dir bald was Erfreuliches mitteilen. © Transcription Ian Bent, 2013, 2023 |
I myself cannot help. R. has been damaged by a couple of artists 2 to the tune of 5,000 † Kronen – I have read [what] the correspondents [have written]. It is out of the question for me to approach him. I am racking my brains to see how {2} I might help in this. I hope to be able soon to communicate something that will please you. © Translation Ian Bent, 2023 |
ich kann nicht helfen. R. ist in den letzten Monaten von einem Künstlerpaar 2 ‒ ich habe die Correspondenten gelesen ‒ um 5000 † Kr. geschädigt worden. Es ist also ausgeschlossen, daß ich an ihn herantrete. Ich zerbreche mir den Kopf, wie [ich] {2} da zu helfen mag. Hoffentlich kann ich Dir bald was Erfreuliches mitteilen. © Transcription Ian Bent, 2013, 2023 |
I myself cannot help. R. has been damaged by a couple of artists 2 to the tune of 5,000 † Kronen – I have read [what] the correspondents [have written]. It is out of the question for me to approach him. I am racking my brains to see how {2} I might help in this. I hope to be able soon to communicate something that will please you. © Translation Ian Bent, 2023 |
Footnotes1 This letter comes in the course of an attempt by Schenker, between June and November 1912, to launch an Organisation producirender und reproducierender Künstler, the correspondence involving Emil Hertzka and a large number of prominent performers, many associated with the Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst. 2 The identity of “R.” is unclear, as also are those of the “Künstlerpaar.” Schenker’s diary offers no clue. Conceivably, the “artistic couple” might refer to Wilhelm Bopp and Carl von Wiener, Director and President of the Akademie, and “R.” might be one of the injured parties on the Akademie faculty. |
Format† Double underlined |
Digital version created: 2023-01-28 |