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Weil, Kutná Hora,
Předm. Žižkov 159
25. April 1939

[An:] Wohlgeboren Frau Lie-Lie Schenker
Neue Weltgasse 1a.
Küb am Semmering

[postmark:] || [KUTN]Á HORA | 2. V. 39-13 | f | * * * ||

[in right margin, sideways:] Antw. . 7. V. 39

Liebe Le-Lie!

Ohne irgend etwas zu haben, das wirt wäre mitgeteilt zu werden, will ich dich nur verständigen daß wir G. d. D gesund sind.

Mit herzlichsten Grüßen
[signed:] Arnold

Herzlichste Grüße

Der Cadaver wird noch eine Weile halten.

[signed:] Rosa

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2024


Weil, Kutná Hora
Předm. Žižkov 159
April 25, 1939

[To:] Mrs. Lie-Lie Schenker
Vienna XIII
Neue Weltgasse 1a
Küb am Semmering

[postmark:] || [KUTN]Á HORA | 2. V. 39-13 | f | * * * ||

[in right margin, sideways:] Answered May 7, 1939

Dear Le-Lie,

Without having anything that would be worth communicating, I will merely advise you that, thank God, we are in good health.

With most cordial greetings,
[signed:] Arnold

Most cordial greetings[!]

These old bones still have a bit of life left in them.

[signed:] Rosa

© Translation Ian Bent, 2024


Weil, Kutná Hora,
Předm. Žižkov 159
25. April 1939

[An:] Wohlgeboren Frau Lie-Lie Schenker
Neue Weltgasse 1a.
Küb am Semmering

[postmark:] || [KUTN]Á HORA | 2. V. 39-13 | f | * * * ||

[in right margin, sideways:] Antw. . 7. V. 39

Liebe Le-Lie!

Ohne irgend etwas zu haben, das wirt wäre mitgeteilt zu werden, will ich dich nur verständigen daß wir G. d. D gesund sind.

Mit herzlichsten Grüßen
[signed:] Arnold

Herzlichste Grüße

Der Cadaver wird noch eine Weile halten.

[signed:] Rosa

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2024


Weil, Kutná Hora
Předm. Žižkov 159
April 25, 1939

[To:] Mrs. Lie-Lie Schenker
Vienna XIII
Neue Weltgasse 1a
Küb am Semmering

[postmark:] || [KUTN]Á HORA | 2. V. 39-13 | f | * * * ||

[in right margin, sideways:] Answered May 7, 1939

Dear Le-Lie,

Without having anything that would be worth communicating, I will merely advise you that, thank God, we are in good health.

With most cordial greetings,
[signed:] Arnold

Most cordial greetings[!]

These old bones still have a bit of life left in them.

[signed:] Rosa

© Translation Ian Bent, 2024


printed postcard: holograph (Arnold) sender and recipient addresses, salutation, message, valediction, and signature, holograph (Rosa) valediction and signature, holograph (Jeanette Schenker) annotation, postage stamp and postmark, recto
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1934-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Arnold and Rosa Weil; deemed to be in the public domain
Attempts to identify the heirs of Arnold and Rosa Weil have proved unsuccessful. This document is deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to Schenker Documents Online, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk.

Digital version created: 2024-08-02
Last updated: 2010-03-11