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OJ 15/15, [M] - Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, undated [December 24?, 1913?]
[photograph of Hans Weisse gazing at a framed portrait
of Johannes Brahms, photographer: Franz Hofer, Bad Ischl]
⇧ Fassen Sie, lieber Meister, 1 das obige Bild symbolisirt auf, und nehmen Sie es als bescheidenen Dank dafür, dass Sie mich sehend machten! Fröhliche Weihnachten! In Treue Ihr [signed:] Hans © Transcription Ian Bent, 2019 |
© Translation Ian Bent, 2019 |
[photograph of Hans Weisse gazing at a framed portrait
of Johannes Brahms, photographer: Franz Hofer, Bad Ischl]
⇧ Fassen Sie, lieber Meister, 1 das obige Bild symbolisirt auf, und nehmen Sie es als bescheidenen Dank dafür, dass Sie mich sehend machten! Fröhliche Weihnachten! In Treue Ihr [signed:] Hans © Transcription Ian Bent, 2019 |
© Translation Ian Bent, 2019 |
Footnotes1 OJ 15/15, [M] is only a photocopy; the original postcard, with inscription, is preserved under "Photographs and Other Portraits" at OJ 72/24, No. 1. It is entirely undated, except for the implication of "Merry Christmas!" The photocopy is annotated (possibly in the hand of Oswald Jonas) "undated [1913?]." Schenker's diary for December 24, 1913 states: "Christmas presents received only from Mrs. Deutsch, I[rene] M[ayerhofer], Weisse, Brünauer, Floriz and Fanny [Violin]," followed on December 26 by "Letters of thanks to Mrs. Deutsch and Weisse." In the surrounding years, the diary for December 24, 1912 reads: "Weisse brings a present in the morning, and cancels for the afternoon," and for December 24, 1914 reads: "Weisse, with an exuberant letter of gratitude, presents me with photographs [of the autograph manuscript] of the Brahms intermezzos ." Either of these alternative years, or others, could be the year of this postcard. |
Digital version created: 2019-10-21 |