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OJ 15/16, [79] - Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated June 13, 1931
ich sende Ihnen hier noch einige Druckfehler Korrekturen, die auf den Text aufgeklebt werden können. 2 Haben Sie in der Musik die Kritik über Jahrbuch III. 4 gelesen? Dr. Salzer erzählte mir blos davon, ich bekomme sie erst heute. © Transcription William Drabkin, 2008 |
I am sending you here corrections to a few printing errors, which can be pasted into the text. 2 Have you read the critique of Yearbook III in Die Musik ? 4 Dr. Salzer merely mentioned it to me; I shall not receive it until [later] today. © Translation William Drabkin, 2008 |
ich sende Ihnen hier noch einige Druckfehler Korrekturen, die auf den Text aufgeklebt werden können. 2 Haben Sie in der Musik die Kritik über Jahrbuch III. 4 gelesen? Dr. Salzer erzählte mir blos davon, ich bekomme sie erst heute. © Transcription William Drabkin, 2008 |
I am sending you here corrections to a few printing errors, which can be pasted into the text. 2 Have you read the critique of Yearbook III in Die Musik ? 4 Dr. Salzer merely mentioned it to me; I shall not receive it until [later] today. © Translation William Drabkin, 2008 |
Footnotes1 Receipt of this letter is not recorded in Schenker's diary. 2 Weisse had recently sent Schenker some corrections to Meisterwerk III on a postcard; these may be further errors that he noted, which Schenker might wish to enter in his personal copy of the yearbook. 3 The Schenkers left for the summer vacation on June 14, arriving Galtür on the 16th. 4 Publication of Meisterwerk III was delayed by almost a year; notices began to appear in January 1931, but most of the reviews preserved in the Schenker scrapbook (OC 2) date from the middle of the year. Weisse is probably referring to a review by Carl Johann Perl published in the June issue of Die Musik (OC 2/p. 83). |
Digital version created: 2018-10-11 |