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OJ 5/38, [12] - Handwritten picture postcard from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated July 8, 1924
[picture: montain and valley, captioned: “GALTÜR – JAMTALFERNER GORFEN”] {recto} [Abs.:] ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Galtür, i. Tirol (Paznauntal) [An:] H Dr. Wilhelm Schenker in St. Bernhard b/ Horn Nd: Öst. [postmark:] || LANDECK TIR. | 9.VII.24 2 | * 2A * || ⇧ Mein lieber Wilhelm! 1 Wir begrüßen Dich aus ziemlicher Ferne u. Höhe (1600m), bedauern dich nicht hier zu haben, 2 hoffen aber bestimmt, dich einmal die Wunder hier sehen zu lassen. Vom 15. ab hast Du Gäste, Albin u. Frau, dann kommt vielleicht der alter Herr, u. dann kommt – die „Jugend“, LieLiechen u. ich. Schreibe ein Zeilchen, wie es Dir geht, – grüße die Gäste u. lasset es Euch recht gut gehen. Wir freuen uns schon bei dir einmal einzukehren. © Transcription William Drabkin, 2024 |
[picture: montain and valley, captioned: “GALTÜR – JAMTALFERNER GORFEN”] {recto} [From:] ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Galtür, in the Tyrol (Paznaun Valley) [To:] Dr. Wilhelm Schenker in St. Bernhard, near Horn Lower Austria [postmark:] || LANDECK TIR. | 9.VII.24 2 | * 2A * || ⇧ My dear Wilhelm, 1 We send greetings from a considerable distance and elevation (1,600 meters above sea level), regret not having you here, 2 hope, though, for certain to have you see the wonders here at some point. From the 15th on, you have guests, Albin and his wife, then the elderly gentleman will perhaps come, and then come the “young folks,” LieLiechen and I. Send a short note on how you are doing. Greet the guests, and take good care. We look forward to stopping by. © Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2024 |
[picture: montain and valley, captioned: “GALTÜR – JAMTALFERNER GORFEN”] {recto} [Abs.:] ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Galtür, i. Tirol (Paznauntal) [An:] H Dr. Wilhelm Schenker in St. Bernhard b/ Horn Nd: Öst. [postmark:] || LANDECK TIR. | 9.VII.24 2 | * 2A * || ⇧ Mein lieber Wilhelm! 1 Wir begrüßen Dich aus ziemlicher Ferne u. Höhe (1600m), bedauern dich nicht hier zu haben, 2 hoffen aber bestimmt, dich einmal die Wunder hier sehen zu lassen. Vom 15. ab hast Du Gäste, Albin u. Frau, dann kommt vielleicht der alter Herr, u. dann kommt – die „Jugend“, LieLiechen u. ich. Schreibe ein Zeilchen, wie es Dir geht, – grüße die Gäste u. lasset es Euch recht gut gehen. Wir freuen uns schon bei dir einmal einzukehren. © Transcription William Drabkin, 2024 |
[picture: montain and valley, captioned: “GALTÜR – JAMTALFERNER GORFEN”] {recto} [From:] ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Galtür, in the Tyrol (Paznaun Valley) [To:] Dr. Wilhelm Schenker in St. Bernhard, near Horn Lower Austria [postmark:] || LANDECK TIR. | 9.VII.24 2 | * 2A * || ⇧ My dear Wilhelm, 1 We send greetings from a considerable distance and elevation (1,600 meters above sea level), regret not having you here, 2 hope, though, for certain to have you see the wonders here at some point. From the 15th on, you have guests, Albin and his wife, then the elderly gentleman will perhaps come, and then come the “young folks,” LieLiechen and I. Send a short note on how you are doing. Greet the guests, and take good care. We look forward to stopping by. © Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2024 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this postcard is not recorded in Schenker’s diary. 2 In OJ 5/38, [45], May 29, 1924, Heinrich had invited Wilhelm to join Jeanette and himself in Galtür for one week or two. On June 13, Heinrich received a postcard from Wilhelm saying that he would not be able to join them. |
Digital version created: 2024-06-11 |