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[unheaded, and without salutation]

In Hamburg wird soeben ein sogenanntes: 1 Schenker-Institut

eröffnet, das geleitet wird von den H. Prof. Felix von Cube u. Prof. M. Violin! Gebe Gott, daß die beide Herren u. ihre Helfer mit meinem Aushängeschild recht gute Geschäfte machen mögen! Für keinen Fall aber habe ich irgendwelche Vorteile zu erwarten, es sei denn eben der nun schon in die Augen {2} springende Vorteil der „Ehre“, der aber in solchem Falle nicht gering einzuschätzen ist.

Viele Küsse
[signed:] Heinrich

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2024

[unheaded, and without salutation]

A so-called 1 Schenker Institute

is just now being opened in Hamburg, directed by Professor Felix von Cube and Professor Moriz Violin! God grant that the two gentlemen and their assistants may do good business with my sign outside the entrance! In no case, however, do I expect any sort of benefit, except the {2} obvious benefit of the “honor,” which, though, in such a case is not to be underestimated.

Abundant kisses,
[signed:] Heinrich

© Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2024

[unheaded, and without salutation]

In Hamburg wird soeben ein sogenanntes: 1 Schenker-Institut

eröffnet, das geleitet wird von den H. Prof. Felix von Cube u. Prof. M. Violin! Gebe Gott, daß die beide Herren u. ihre Helfer mit meinem Aushängeschild recht gute Geschäfte machen mögen! Für keinen Fall aber habe ich irgendwelche Vorteile zu erwarten, es sei denn eben der nun schon in die Augen {2} springende Vorteil der „Ehre“, der aber in solchem Falle nicht gering einzuschätzen ist.

Viele Küsse
[signed:] Heinrich

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2024

[unheaded, and without salutation]

A so-called 1 Schenker Institute

is just now being opened in Hamburg, directed by Professor Felix von Cube and Professor Moriz Violin! God grant that the two gentlemen and their assistants may do good business with my sign outside the entrance! In no case, however, do I expect any sort of benefit, except the {2} obvious benefit of the “honor,” which, though, in such a case is not to be underestimated.

Abundant kisses,
[signed:] Heinrich

© Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2024


1 Although this note is undated and bears no salutation, the diary entry of September 4, 1931, mentions the sending of the prospectus of the Schenker Institute to Schenker’s brother Wilhelm and sister Sophie: “An Sophie u. Wilhelm den Prospekt ganz u. ein paar Zeilen” (“To Sophie and Wilhelm, the complete prospectus and a couple of lines”). — For the prospectus itself, see OJ 58/4, [1]).


2p letter, holograph document, valediction, and signature
Wilhelm Schenker (document date-1938?)—Jeanette Schenker (1938?-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; deemed to be in the public domain
This document is deemed to be in the public domain as of January 1, 2006. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk

Digital version created: 2024-10-13
Last updated: 2010-03-11