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[picture: house with onion-domed church behind, captioned: “Montafoner Haus (Partennen). 404.“]

Galtür, Tirol

[An:]H Dr. Wilhelm Schenker
St. Bernhard b/ Horn
Nd: Öst.
[postmark:] || WINTERSPORT SOMMERFRISCHE wpn W009 | GALTÜR | 15.VII.31.- | * * * ||

15. 7.

Mein lieber Wilhelm! 1

Danke, danke für den l. Bf! 2 Das von dir empfohlene Mittel haben wir selbst hier mit. Für den prachtvollen Witz, ganz besonderen Dank!

Von Mozio sind die ersten 400 S pünktlich angelangt, Gott gebe mir Kraft die letzten Raten in 1933 zu erleben, – ausführlicher Brief folgt alsbald. 3

Dir u. der l. Marie beste Grüße
[in left margin, sideways:] u. Küsse von uns Beiden
[signed:] Heinrich

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2024

[picture: house with onion-domed church behind, captioned: “Montafoner Haus (Partennen). 404.“]

Galtür, Tyrol

[To:]Dr. Wilhelm Schenker
St. Bernhard near Horn
Lower Austria
[postmark:] || WINTER SPORT SUMMER VACATION wpn W009 | GALTÜR | 15.VII.31.- | * * * ||

July 15

My dear Wilhelm, 1

Thank you, thank you for the lovely letter! 2 We have the medication you recommended with us here. Very special thanks for the marvelous joke!

The first 400 shillings from Mozio arrived on time. God give me the strength to experience the final installments in 1933. A detailed letter will follow right away. 3

Best regards to you and Marie
[in left margin, sideways:] and kisses from us both.
[signed:] Heinrich

© Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2024

[picture: house with onion-domed church behind, captioned: “Montafoner Haus (Partennen). 404.“]

Galtür, Tirol

[An:]H Dr. Wilhelm Schenker
St. Bernhard b/ Horn
Nd: Öst.
[postmark:] || WINTERSPORT SOMMERFRISCHE wpn W009 | GALTÜR | 15.VII.31.- | * * * ||

15. 7.

Mein lieber Wilhelm! 1

Danke, danke für den l. Bf! 2 Das von dir empfohlene Mittel haben wir selbst hier mit. Für den prachtvollen Witz, ganz besonderen Dank!

Von Mozio sind die ersten 400 S pünktlich angelangt, Gott gebe mir Kraft die letzten Raten in 1933 zu erleben, – ausführlicher Brief folgt alsbald. 3

Dir u. der l. Marie beste Grüße
[in left margin, sideways:] u. Küsse von uns Beiden
[signed:] Heinrich

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2024

[picture: house with onion-domed church behind, captioned: “Montafoner Haus (Partennen). 404.“]

Galtür, Tyrol

[To:]Dr. Wilhelm Schenker
St. Bernhard near Horn
Lower Austria
[postmark:] || WINTER SPORT SUMMER VACATION wpn W009 | GALTÜR | 15.VII.31.- | * * * ||

July 15

My dear Wilhelm, 1

Thank you, thank you for the lovely letter! 2 We have the medication you recommended with us here. Very special thanks for the marvelous joke!

The first 400 shillings from Mozio arrived on time. God give me the strength to experience the final installments in 1933. A detailed letter will follow right away. 3

Best regards to you and Marie
[in left margin, sideways:] and kisses from us both.
[signed:] Heinrich

© Translation Lee Rothfarb, 2024


1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker’s diary for July 14, 1931: “An Wilhelm (Ansichtsk.): Mozio hat die erste Rate bezahlt” (“From Wilhelm (picture postcard): Mozio has paid the first installment”) — The first installment had been due on July 1.

2 Schenker received a letter from Wilhelm on July 13, recommending the drug Neocratin and including a “juicy joke.”

3 According to diary entries from the summer of 1931, Schenker wrote to Wilhelm on August 17–18 (enclosing a review of the third Meisterwerk yearbook) and again on August 25, having received a reply from him that day.


printed picture postcard: holograph sender and recipient addresses, salutation, message, valediction, and signature, postage stamp and postmark, recto; picture, verso
Wilhelm Schenker (document date-1938?)—Jeanette Schenker (1938?-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; deemed to be in the public domain
This document is deemed to be in the public domain as of January 1, 2006. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk

Digital version created: 2024-10-11
Last updated: 2010-03-11