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[top-left, photograph of landscape with church, captioned: "Leermoos – Tirol"]

[Absender:] Schenker

[An:] H Prof. M. Violin
Haynstr. 13

[postmark:] || WINTERSPORT [SOMMER]FRISCHE 1600 ü.d.M. | GALTÜR | 24.VII.31 12 | * [star] * ||

[For continuation of message from verso, see below]


Fl! 1

Es ist doch wirklich ungeheuerlich, was dir u. der l. Frau Wally, um vom armen Jungen nicht zu sprechen, zugemutet wird! Mögen Euch Allen nur immer, wie jetzt, schließlich Auswege ins Gute, Freie u. Gesunde bereitet sein! Für die erfreulichen Mitteilungen vom Umzug, Prospekt 2 besten Dank. Von Cube hatte ich einen Brief, er „freut sich schon sehr“ auf den Anfang. 3 Oppel ’s Besuch hier ist fraglich geworden (wegen der Verhältnisse in Deutschland). Von Mozio ist die erste Rate (400 S) eingelaufen, die Geschichte soll {recto} bis ins J. 1933 gehen, – ist mir auch recht, wenn es nur geht.

Viele Küsse, Grüße Wünsche
von uns Beiden Euch allen
[signed:] H

24. 7. 31

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2015


[top-left, photograph of landscape with church, captioned: "Leermoos – Tyrol"]

[From:] Schenker

[To:] Prof. M. Violin
Haynstraße 13

[postmark:] || WINTER SPORT [SUMMER] HOLIDAYS 1,600 [meters] above sea level | GALTÜR | 24.VII.31 12 | * [star] * ||

[For continuation of message from verso, see below]


Floriz, 1

What is being expected of you and your dear Vally – not to mention your poor boy – is nothing short of astonishing! If only the escape routes to goodness, freedom and health could finally be prepared for you forever, as now. For the delightful news about your move, and the prospectus, 2 many thanks. I had a letter from Cube, who “is already greatly looking forward” to the start. 3 Oppel’s visit here has been thrown into doubt (on account of conditions in Germany). The first installment (400 shillings) from Mozio has arrived; the story is run on {recto} until the year 1933 – which is also fine with me, so long as things continue.

Many kisses, greetings and good wishes
from the two of us to you all,
[signed:] H.

July 24, 1931

© Translation William Drabkin, 2015


[top-left, photograph of landscape with church, captioned: "Leermoos – Tirol"]

[Absender:] Schenker

[An:] H Prof. M. Violin
Haynstr. 13

[postmark:] || WINTERSPORT [SOMMER]FRISCHE 1600 ü.d.M. | GALTÜR | 24.VII.31 12 | * [star] * ||

[For continuation of message from verso, see below]


Fl! 1

Es ist doch wirklich ungeheuerlich, was dir u. der l. Frau Wally, um vom armen Jungen nicht zu sprechen, zugemutet wird! Mögen Euch Allen nur immer, wie jetzt, schließlich Auswege ins Gute, Freie u. Gesunde bereitet sein! Für die erfreulichen Mitteilungen vom Umzug, Prospekt 2 besten Dank. Von Cube hatte ich einen Brief, er „freut sich schon sehr“ auf den Anfang. 3 Oppel ’s Besuch hier ist fraglich geworden (wegen der Verhältnisse in Deutschland). Von Mozio ist die erste Rate (400 S) eingelaufen, die Geschichte soll {recto} bis ins J. 1933 gehen, – ist mir auch recht, wenn es nur geht.

Viele Küsse, Grüße Wünsche
von uns Beiden Euch allen
[signed:] H

24. 7. 31

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2015


[top-left, photograph of landscape with church, captioned: "Leermoos – Tyrol"]

[From:] Schenker

[To:] Prof. M. Violin
Haynstraße 13

[postmark:] || WINTER SPORT [SUMMER] HOLIDAYS 1,600 [meters] above sea level | GALTÜR | 24.VII.31 12 | * [star] * ||

[For continuation of message from verso, see below]


Floriz, 1

What is being expected of you and your dear Vally – not to mention your poor boy – is nothing short of astonishing! If only the escape routes to goodness, freedom and health could finally be prepared for you forever, as now. For the delightful news about your move, and the prospectus, 2 many thanks. I had a letter from Cube, who “is already greatly looking forward” to the start. 3 Oppel’s visit here has been thrown into doubt (on account of conditions in Germany). The first installment (400 shillings) from Mozio has arrived; the story is run on {recto} until the year 1933 – which is also fine with me, so long as things continue.

Many kisses, greetings and good wishes
from the two of us to you all,
[signed:] H.

July 24, 1931

© Translation William Drabkin, 2015


1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary for July 24, 1931: “An Floriz (K.): Wünsche zur Genesung u. Dank für die Mitteilung” (“To Floriz (postcard): best wishes for [his son’s] recovery, and thanks for his communication”).

2 The leaflet describing the newly established Schenker Institute in Hamburg.

3 i.e. the start of the new school year at the Schenker Institute in Hamburg, at which he will be teaching music theory. The letter from Cube that is referred to appears not to have survived.


Printed picture postcard: printed picture, holograph sender and recipient addresses, message continuation, valediction, and signature, recto; holograph salutation and message beginning, verso
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-197?)--University of California, Riverside (197?--)
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2022-03-01
Last updated: 2013-07-04