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OJ 5/7a, [39] (formerly vC 39) - Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Cube, undated [August 22, 1931]
[printed:] ⇧ Postkarte [top-left, picture captioned: Pitten–Niederösterreich] [Absender:] ⇧ Schenker Galtür, Tirol [An:] H Prof. Felix v. Cube Hamburg Beneckestr. 2, bei Alex. Schmidt [postmark:] || GALTÜR | 2[illeg].VIII.31 6 | * * * * || {verso} Lieber Prof. v. Cube ! 1 Vielen, vielen Dank für Briefchen 2 u. Prospekt. 3 (Von Vrieslander erhielt ich erste Nachricht über den Prosp.) Die Tragödie im so schwergeprüften Hause meines l. Prof. Violin ist erschütternd. 4 Ich wende mich daher an Sie mit der Bitte, mir womöglich postwendend 5–10 Prospekte (geht das nicht, so mindestens 2–3) nachzusenden. In einem Bf an meinen l. alten Freund V. werde ich einige Vorschläge unterbreiten. Herzlichste Wünsche u. Grüße von uns Beiden © Transcription William Drabkin, 2006 |
[printed:] ⇧ Postcard [top-left, picture captioned: Pitten, Lower Austria] [From:] ⇧ Schenker Galtür, Tirol [To:] Prof. Felix v. Cube Hamburg Beneckestraße 2, c/o Alexander Schmidt [postmark:] || GALTÜR | 2[illeg].VIII.31 6 | * * * * || {verso} Dear Professor von Cube, 1 Many, many thanks for your note 2 and the prospectus. 3 (I first had word of the prospectus from Vrieslander.) The tragedy in the house of my dear Professor Violin, which is being tested so sorely, is shocking. 4 I am therefore turning to you with a request to send me, if possible by return of post, five to ten copies of the prospectus (if this is not possible, then at least two or three). In a letter to my dear old friend Violin, I shall propose a few suggestions. Most cordial wishes and greetings from the two of us, © Translation William Drabkin, 2006 |
[printed:] ⇧ Postkarte [top-left, picture captioned: Pitten–Niederösterreich] [Absender:] ⇧ Schenker Galtür, Tirol [An:] H Prof. Felix v. Cube Hamburg Beneckestr. 2, bei Alex. Schmidt [postmark:] || GALTÜR | 2[illeg].VIII.31 6 | * * * * || {verso} Lieber Prof. v. Cube ! 1 Vielen, vielen Dank für Briefchen 2 u. Prospekt. 3 (Von Vrieslander erhielt ich erste Nachricht über den Prosp.) Die Tragödie im so schwergeprüften Hause meines l. Prof. Violin ist erschütternd. 4 Ich wende mich daher an Sie mit der Bitte, mir womöglich postwendend 5–10 Prospekte (geht das nicht, so mindestens 2–3) nachzusenden. In einem Bf an meinen l. alten Freund V. werde ich einige Vorschläge unterbreiten. Herzlichste Wünsche u. Grüße von uns Beiden © Transcription William Drabkin, 2006 |
[printed:] ⇧ Postcard [top-left, picture captioned: Pitten, Lower Austria] [From:] ⇧ Schenker Galtür, Tirol [To:] Prof. Felix v. Cube Hamburg Beneckestraße 2, c/o Alexander Schmidt [postmark:] || GALTÜR | 2[illeg].VIII.31 6 | * * * * || {verso} Dear Professor von Cube, 1 Many, many thanks for your note 2 and the prospectus. 3 (I first had word of the prospectus from Vrieslander.) The tragedy in the house of my dear Professor Violin, which is being tested so sorely, is shocking. 4 I am therefore turning to you with a request to send me, if possible by return of post, five to ten copies of the prospectus (if this is not possible, then at least two or three). In a letter to my dear old friend Violin, I shall propose a few suggestions. Most cordial wishes and greetings from the two of us, © Translation William Drabkin, 2006 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/4, p. 3650, August 22, 1931: "An v. Cube (K.): bitte um Prospekte, werde Vorschläge unterbreiten." ("To von Cube (postcard): I ask for prospectuses, will propose suggestions.") This entry provides the date proposed for this document. 2 OJ 9/34, [26], August 19, 1931. 3 For a later version of this document see OJ 58/4, [1]. 4 Violin's son (identified as "Karli" in many of Cube's letters) was seriously ill during the summer of 1931. |
Digital version created: 2006-11-04 |