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[All in a decorated rule-frame]

[Absender:] H Schenker
III., Reisnerstr 38.

[An:] H. Prof. M. Violin
XIV. Sechshauserstr 126

[postmark:] || 10/2 WIEN 76 | 3. XII. 09‒ | * 6d * ||


Fl! 1

Auch G. 2 scheint die Referate so gelesen zu haben, wie wir es dachten denn: kaum waren wir bei der Apotheke, so trug er mir die Wiederholung der „Kreuzstab“-Kantate an (im Febr.) „bei dieser Gelegenheit“ (echter G:!): ob ich ihn begleiten wolle. Letzteres habe ich sofort abgelehnt u. mich nur zum Dirigieren der Kantate bereit erklären müssen, das weiter keiner Vorbereitung bedarf. Ob was aus alldem wird, weiß ich nicht; ich erzähle dir nur das Kuriosum . . .

[signed:] H.


© Transcription Ian Bent, 2018

[All in a decorated rule-frame]

[From:] H. Schenker
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

[To:] Prof. M. Violin
[Vienna] XIV, Sechshauserstraße 126

[postmark:] || 10/2 VIENNA 76 | 3. XII. 09‒ | * 6d * ||


Floriz, 1

Even G. 2 appears to have read the reviews in the same way as we thought he had, for: scarcely were we at the pharmacy than he offered me the repeat of the "Kreuzstab" Cantata (in February) "on this occasion" (typical G.!): Did I want to accompany him? The latter I declined immediately, and for the cantata I had to declare myself willing only to do the conducting, which did not require any further preparation. Whether anything will come of all this, I don't know. I merely recount the curious story . . .

[signed:] H.

December 3

© Translation Ian Bent, 2018

[All in a decorated rule-frame]

[Absender:] H Schenker
III., Reisnerstr 38.

[An:] H. Prof. M. Violin
XIV. Sechshauserstr 126

[postmark:] || 10/2 WIEN 76 | 3. XII. 09‒ | * 6d * ||


Fl! 1

Auch G. 2 scheint die Referate so gelesen zu haben, wie wir es dachten denn: kaum waren wir bei der Apotheke, so trug er mir die Wiederholung der „Kreuzstab“-Kantate an (im Febr.) „bei dieser Gelegenheit“ (echter G:!): ob ich ihn begleiten wolle. Letzteres habe ich sofort abgelehnt u. mich nur zum Dirigieren der Kantate bereit erklären müssen, das weiter keiner Vorbereitung bedarf. Ob was aus alldem wird, weiß ich nicht; ich erzähle dir nur das Kuriosum . . .

[signed:] H.


© Transcription Ian Bent, 2018

[All in a decorated rule-frame]

[From:] H. Schenker
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

[To:] Prof. M. Violin
[Vienna] XIV, Sechshauserstraße 126

[postmark:] || 10/2 VIENNA 76 | 3. XII. 09‒ | * 6d * ||


Floriz, 1

Even G. 2 appears to have read the reviews in the same way as we thought he had, for: scarcely were we at the pharmacy than he offered me the repeat of the "Kreuzstab" Cantata (in February) "on this occasion" (typical G.!): Did I want to accompany him? The latter I declined immediately, and for the cantata I had to declare myself willing only to do the conducting, which did not require any further preparation. Whether anything will come of all this, I don't know. I merely recount the curious story . . .

[signed:] H.

December 3

© Translation Ian Bent, 2018


1 Writing of this postcard is not recorded in Schenker's diary. No letters or postcards from Moriz Violin to Schenker from 1909 survive.

2 "G.": identity unknown, but one possibility is the bass singer Eduard Gärtner, who was active in performance with Schenker between 1900 and 1911. — The performance was to be part of a "historical concert" to be organized by Schenker, to take place, at the instigation of Wilhelm Bopp, at the Academy in January or February 1910 (see WSLB 44). Violin wrote the program booklet, but the plan was ultimately dropped.


printed postcard, holograph sender and recipient addresses recto; holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature verso
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-195?)--University of California, Riverside (195?--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Henrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus[dot]cam[dot]ac[dot]uk

Digital version created: 2018-05-23
Last updated: 2010-02-10