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{recto} [printed:]

Absender: Dr H Schenker
III, Reisnerstr. 38

An: Prof. M. Violin
Sechshauserstr. 126 [note in margin] arrow drawn through entire address, pointing either to the sender address or the address written in upper margin
[written in upper margin:]
XIII/2 Sechshausterstr. 126 [illeg]
[postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 43 | 15. XII. 19-3 | * R * ||

Fl! 1

Das Ergebnis von Freitag: 2 H. gibt nur das 5-fache des Friedensanbotes, genauso wie er selbst blos das 5-fache zu nehmen behauptet; als Basis aber hat er sogar 3.000 K. (statt 2.000 K) zugegeben, so daß er für „101“ 15.000 K zahlt, worauf ich eingegangen bin. Die Sonaten wurden wegen der ständigen Valutaschwankungen, die bei einer solchen Summe wie 150 000 K. schon etwas mehr ins [?Gewicht] fallen, vertagt. Dagegen brachte er, wie immer, ganz spontan die Sprache auf die „Kl. Bib.,“ nach der er einen wahren Hunger zeigt, einen Paroxysmus, wie Lieliechen mir einflüstert. Er bietet höchst Bestechendes: pro Bogen 600 K., Bogen ad libitum soviel ich nur machen {recto} will, Format klein, bei jeder Neuauflage (5.000 Ex), neues Honorar,du kannst dir kaum sein Interesse dafür vorstellen. Ursache? Doch habe ich keinen Entschluß gefaßt u. möchte mi cht dir sprechen bei Gelegenheit. Soviel auf das Papier gebracht,

Viele Grüße 2 : 5
[signed:] dein HS

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2009

{recto} [printed:]

From: Dr. H Schenker
III, Reisnerstraße 38

To: Prof. M. Violin,
Sechshauserstraße 126 [note in margin] arrow drawn through entire address, pointing either to the sender address or the address written in upper margin
[written in upper margin:]
XIII/2 Sechshausterstraße 126 [illeg]
[postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 43 | 15. XII. 19-3 | * R * ||

Fl! 1

The outcome of Friday: 2 H. will give only five times the amount of the peace-time offer, just as he himself declares that he will take merely five times the amount. He has, however, actually conceded 3,000 Kronen (instead of 2,000 Kronen) as the basis, thus he will pay 15,000 Kronen for Op. 101 , to which I acceded. The sonatas were delayed on account of the constant fluctuations in the exchange rate, which with a sum such as 150,000 Kronen already makes it a somewhat [?weighty matter]. On the other hand, he brought the conversation, as always, totally spontaneously round to the Little Library , in which he shows an avid interest :– a paroxysm, as Lieliechen whispers to me. He offers the utterly fantastic 600 Kronen per gathering :– any number of gatherings, just as many as I {recto} like, small format, a new honorarium at each new edition (5,000 copies); you can hardly imagine his interest in it. The cause? But I did not arrive at a decision, and wanted to talk with you if at all possible. That's as far as I can go on paper.

Best wishes 2 : 5
[signed:] Your HS

© Translation Ian Bent, 2009

{recto} [printed:]

Absender: Dr H Schenker
III, Reisnerstr. 38

An: Prof. M. Violin
Sechshauserstr. 126 [note in margin] arrow drawn through entire address, pointing either to the sender address or the address written in upper margin
[written in upper margin:]
XIII/2 Sechshausterstr. 126 [illeg]
[postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 43 | 15. XII. 19-3 | * R * ||

Fl! 1

Das Ergebnis von Freitag: 2 H. gibt nur das 5-fache des Friedensanbotes, genauso wie er selbst blos das 5-fache zu nehmen behauptet; als Basis aber hat er sogar 3.000 K. (statt 2.000 K) zugegeben, so daß er für „101“ 15.000 K zahlt, worauf ich eingegangen bin. Die Sonaten wurden wegen der ständigen Valutaschwankungen, die bei einer solchen Summe wie 150 000 K. schon etwas mehr ins [?Gewicht] fallen, vertagt. Dagegen brachte er, wie immer, ganz spontan die Sprache auf die „Kl. Bib.,“ nach der er einen wahren Hunger zeigt, einen Paroxysmus, wie Lieliechen mir einflüstert. Er bietet höchst Bestechendes: pro Bogen 600 K., Bogen ad libitum soviel ich nur machen {recto} will, Format klein, bei jeder Neuauflage (5.000 Ex), neues Honorar,du kannst dir kaum sein Interesse dafür vorstellen. Ursache? Doch habe ich keinen Entschluß gefaßt u. möchte mi cht dir sprechen bei Gelegenheit. Soviel auf das Papier gebracht,

Viele Grüße 2 : 5
[signed:] dein HS

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2009

{recto} [printed:]

From: Dr. H Schenker
III, Reisnerstraße 38

To: Prof. M. Violin,
Sechshauserstraße 126 [note in margin] arrow drawn through entire address, pointing either to the sender address or the address written in upper margin
[written in upper margin:]
XIII/2 Sechshausterstraße 126 [illeg]
[postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 43 | 15. XII. 19-3 | * R * ||

Fl! 1

The outcome of Friday: 2 H. will give only five times the amount of the peace-time offer, just as he himself declares that he will take merely five times the amount. He has, however, actually conceded 3,000 Kronen (instead of 2,000 Kronen) as the basis, thus he will pay 15,000 Kronen for Op. 101 , to which I acceded. The sonatas were delayed on account of the constant fluctuations in the exchange rate, which with a sum such as 150,000 Kronen already makes it a somewhat [?weighty matter]. On the other hand, he brought the conversation, as always, totally spontaneously round to the Little Library , in which he shows an avid interest :– a paroxysm, as Lieliechen whispers to me. He offers the utterly fantastic 600 Kronen per gathering :– any number of gatherings, just as many as I {recto} like, small format, a new honorarium at each new edition (5,000 copies); you can hardly imagine his interest in it. The cause? But I did not arrive at a decision, and wanted to talk with you if at all possible. That's as far as I can go on paper.

Best wishes 2 : 5
[signed:] Your HS

© Translation Ian Bent, 2009


1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/1, p. 2193: "An Floriz (K.): berichte über den Ausgang der Unterredung, bitte um gelegentliche Besprechung." ("To Floriz (postcard): report on the outcome of the conversation; ask for discussion when time allows.") "* R *" in the postmark indicates that the card was sent express, by pneumatic post (Rohrpost). This card was evidently returned to sender, since Schenker's diary at OJ 3/1, p. 2199, December 28, records: "Von Fl (K.): die an ihn am 15. d. abgegangene Karte sei zurückgekommen!" ("From Floriz (postcard): the postcard sent to him on the 15th has come back!"). For the problem of addressing items to Sechshauserstraße, see OJ 8/3, [74].

2 This refers to a meeting of Heinrich and Jeanette with Emil Hertzka on Friday December 12, regarding Schenker's future contributions to UE; this is reported in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/1, p. 2191.


Printed postcard, holograph addresses, message-continuation and signature (with post office annotations) recto, holograph message beginning verso, written in pencil or crayon
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-197?)--University of California, Riverside (197?--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2009-05-01
Last updated: 2010-06-23