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OJ 8/4, [38] - Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated June 22, 1925
[printed:] ⇧ Postkarte Absender: ⇧ Schenker Wien, III, Keilgasse 8 Keilgasse 8 ⇧ An ⇧ H Prof. M. Violin ⇧ in ⇧ Hamburg Woldsenweg 3 [to the left:] Deutschland [postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 40[?] | 22.VI.[25].17[?] | * 4a * || {verso} 22.VI. 1925 Fl! 1 Vielen, vielen Dank für deine letzte Sendung= OC 52/649. Ist das nicht unerhört, daß die „U. E.“ das Abonn.-Geld im Dezember einsteckt u. das schon im Jänner † 1925 schon ausgegebene letzte Heft erst im Juni zuschickt?! Aber alle Beweise nützen nichts, da Dr B. nicht klagen will. Ich warte noch die Juli-Rechnung ab, um ihn dazu – zu zwingen. Mehr darüber aus Galtür. 2 Frl. Fanny war vor paar Tagen bei uns, nun weiß ich schon etwas mehr; sie läßt aber doch eine leise Hoffnung durchblicken, daß du nach Tirol kommst. Vielleicht kommt Vriesl. (ohne Frau, die in Italien krankheitshalber ist) mit Sohn nach G., der die ersten Bergtouren machen soll. Da wäre es sehr lustig, wenn du ein wenig Erholung schlurftest.. [continuing in the left margin, top to bottom:] Wir packen, d.h. LieLiechen packt, aber ich packe mit. 3 © Transcription William Drabkin, 2013 |
[printed:] ⇧ Postcard Sender: ⇧ Schenker Vienna, III, Keilgasse 8 Keilgasse 8 ⇧ To ⇧ Prof. M. Violin ⇧ in ⇧ Hamburg Woldsenweg 3 [to the left:] Germany [postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 40[?] | 22.VI.[25].17[?] | * 4a * || {verso} June 22, 1925 Floriz! 1 Many, many thanks for your last communication= OC 52/649. Is it not astonishing that Universal Edition pocketed the subscription payment [for Der Tonwille ] in December and did not send out the last issue – which had been published in January † – until June?! But all this evidence is of no use, since Dr. Baumgarten does not want to take legal action. I shall wait for the July accounts, and use these to persuade him. More on this from Galtür. 2 Fanny was with us a few days ago. Now I know a little more [about your personal circumstances]; but she still holds out a faint hope, that you will come to the Tirol. Perhaps Vrieslander will come (without his wife, who is in Italy on account of her health) to Galtür with his son, who is supposed to undertake his first mountain trips. It would then be a lot of fun if you could take in a bit of rest... [continuing in the left margin, top to bottom:] We are packing, that is, Lie-Liechen is packing but I am helping her to pack. 3 © Translation William Drabkin, 2013 |
[printed:] ⇧ Postkarte Absender: ⇧ Schenker Wien, III, Keilgasse 8 Keilgasse 8 ⇧ An ⇧ H Prof. M. Violin ⇧ in ⇧ Hamburg Woldsenweg 3 [to the left:] Deutschland [postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 40[?] | 22.VI.[25].17[?] | * 4a * || {verso} 22.VI. 1925 Fl! 1 Vielen, vielen Dank für deine letzte Sendung= OC 52/649. Ist das nicht unerhört, daß die „U. E.“ das Abonn.-Geld im Dezember einsteckt u. das schon im Jänner † 1925 schon ausgegebene letzte Heft erst im Juni zuschickt?! Aber alle Beweise nützen nichts, da Dr B. nicht klagen will. Ich warte noch die Juli-Rechnung ab, um ihn dazu – zu zwingen. Mehr darüber aus Galtür. 2 Frl. Fanny war vor paar Tagen bei uns, nun weiß ich schon etwas mehr; sie läßt aber doch eine leise Hoffnung durchblicken, daß du nach Tirol kommst. Vielleicht kommt Vriesl. (ohne Frau, die in Italien krankheitshalber ist) mit Sohn nach G., der die ersten Bergtouren machen soll. Da wäre es sehr lustig, wenn du ein wenig Erholung schlurftest.. [continuing in the left margin, top to bottom:] Wir packen, d.h. LieLiechen packt, aber ich packe mit. 3 © Transcription William Drabkin, 2013 |
[printed:] ⇧ Postcard Sender: ⇧ Schenker Vienna, III, Keilgasse 8 Keilgasse 8 ⇧ To ⇧ Prof. M. Violin ⇧ in ⇧ Hamburg Woldsenweg 3 [to the left:] Germany [postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 40[?] | 22.VI.[25].17[?] | * 4a * || {verso} June 22, 1925 Floriz! 1 Many, many thanks for your last communication= OC 52/649. Is it not astonishing that Universal Edition pocketed the subscription payment [for Der Tonwille ] in December and did not send out the last issue – which had been published in January † – until June?! But all this evidence is of no use, since Dr. Baumgarten does not want to take legal action. I shall wait for the July accounts, and use these to persuade him. More on this from Galtür. 2 Fanny was with us a few days ago. Now I know a little more [about your personal circumstances]; but she still holds out a faint hope, that you will come to the Tirol. Perhaps Vrieslander will come (without his wife, who is in Italy on account of her health) to Galtür with his son, who is supposed to undertake his first mountain trips. It would then be a lot of fun if you could take in a bit of rest... [continuing in the left margin, top to bottom:] We are packing, that is, Lie-Liechen is packing but I am helping her to pack. 3 © Translation William Drabkin, 2013 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/7, p. 2832, June 21 (not 22), 1925: "An Fl. (K.): Dank für die Vermittlung der Seminar-Auskünfte." ("To Floriz (postcard): thanks for securing the information from the university music departments.") 2 No paragraph-break in source. 3 No paragraph-break in source. |
Format† Double underlined |
Digital version created: 2013-05-19 |