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{recto} [printed:]

Absender: Dr H Schenker
Wien, III., Keilgasse 8

An: H. Prof. M. Violin
Hochallee 58
[postmark:] || [illeg] [illeg] || {verso}

Fl! 1

Nur in Eile die Mitteilung, daß du in den nächsten Tagen durch die Deutsche Bank, Berlin, deine 120 MK. wiedererhalten wirst. (Erst jetzt kam das Cottageld!) 2 Erst in den ersten OktoberTagen hole ich zu einem Bf. aus, der recht Interessantes bringen wird. Beste Grüße dir u. den Deinen, beste Wünsche für die neue „Saison“ von mir u Lie-Liechen

[signed:] Dein HS

23. Sept. 1921

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2011

{recto} [printed:]

From: Dr. H. Schenker,
Vienna III, Keilgasse 8

To: Prof. M. Violin,
Hochallee 58
[postmark:] || [illeg] [illeg] || {verso}

Floriz, 1

In haste: just to let you know that you will receive your 120 Marks again through the Deutsche Bank Berlin. (The money from Cotta arrived just now!) 2 I shall not get round to writing you a letter until the first days of October; this will bring you quite interesting news. Cordial greetings to you and yours, and best wishes for the new teaching year, from Lie-Liechen and me

[signed:] Your HS

September 23, 1921

© Translation William Drabkin, 2011

{recto} [printed:]

Absender: Dr H Schenker
Wien, III., Keilgasse 8

An: H. Prof. M. Violin
Hochallee 58
[postmark:] || [illeg] [illeg] || {verso}

Fl! 1

Nur in Eile die Mitteilung, daß du in den nächsten Tagen durch die Deutsche Bank, Berlin, deine 120 MK. wiedererhalten wirst. (Erst jetzt kam das Cottageld!) 2 Erst in den ersten OktoberTagen hole ich zu einem Bf. aus, der recht Interessantes bringen wird. Beste Grüße dir u. den Deinen, beste Wünsche für die neue „Saison“ von mir u Lie-Liechen

[signed:] Dein HS

23. Sept. 1921

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2011

{recto} [printed:]

From: Dr. H. Schenker,
Vienna III, Keilgasse 8

To: Prof. M. Violin,
Hochallee 58
[postmark:] || [illeg] [illeg] || {verso}

Floriz, 1

In haste: just to let you know that you will receive your 120 Marks again through the Deutsche Bank Berlin. (The money from Cotta arrived just now!) 2 I shall not get round to writing you a letter until the first days of October; this will bring you quite interesting news. Cordial greetings to you and yours, and best wishes for the new teaching year, from Lie-Liechen and me

[signed:] Your HS

September 23, 1921

© Translation William Drabkin, 2011


1 Writing of this postcard is not recorded in Schenker's diary. Violin's list of pieces may have been intended for forthcoming concerts and solo recitals; Feux follets probably refers to the Liszt's Transcendental Etudes.

2 "Cottageld": = OJ 9/31, [49] = CA 203, September 13, 1921, which announces the transfer of 786.60 Marks for the sales of Harmonielehre and Kontrapunkt 1 in 1920. Receipt of the payment is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/2, p. 2391, September 19, 1921: " Von der Würtembergischen Bank Brief mit Chek." ("From the Würtemberg Bank letter with cheque.").


printed postcard, holograph addresses and list recto, holograph message and signature verso
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-197?)--University of California, Riverside (197?--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2011-06-02
Last updated: 2011-06-02