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OJ 8/4, [8] - Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated September 23, 1921
⇧ Postkarte Absender: ⇧ Dr H Schenker Wien, III., Keilgasse 8 ⇧ An: ⇧ H. Prof. M. Violin Hamburg Hochallee 58 [postmark:] || [illeg] [illeg] || {verso} Fl! 1 Nur in Eile die Mitteilung, daß du in den nächsten Tagen durch die Deutsche Bank, Berlin, deine 120 MK. wiedererhalten wirst. (Erst jetzt kam das Cottageld!) 2 Erst in den ersten OktoberTagen hole ich zu einem Bf. aus, der recht Interessantes bringen wird. Beste Grüße dir u. den Deinen, beste Wünsche für die neue „Saison“ von mir u Lie-Liechen © Transcription William Drabkin, 2011 |
⇧ Postcard From: ⇧ Dr. H. Schenker, Vienna III, Keilgasse 8 ⇧ To: ⇧ Prof. M. Violin, Hamburg, Hochallee 58 [postmark:] || [illeg] [illeg] || {verso} Floriz, 1 In haste: just to let you know that you will receive your 120 Marks again through the Deutsche Bank Berlin. (The money from Cotta arrived just now!) 2 I shall not get round to writing you a letter until the first days of October; this will bring you quite interesting news. Cordial greetings to you and yours, and best wishes for the new teaching year, from Lie-Liechen and me © Translation William Drabkin, 2011 |
⇧ Postkarte Absender: ⇧ Dr H Schenker Wien, III., Keilgasse 8 ⇧ An: ⇧ H. Prof. M. Violin Hamburg Hochallee 58 [postmark:] || [illeg] [illeg] || {verso} Fl! 1 Nur in Eile die Mitteilung, daß du in den nächsten Tagen durch die Deutsche Bank, Berlin, deine 120 MK. wiedererhalten wirst. (Erst jetzt kam das Cottageld!) 2 Erst in den ersten OktoberTagen hole ich zu einem Bf. aus, der recht Interessantes bringen wird. Beste Grüße dir u. den Deinen, beste Wünsche für die neue „Saison“ von mir u Lie-Liechen © Transcription William Drabkin, 2011 |
⇧ Postcard From: ⇧ Dr. H. Schenker, Vienna III, Keilgasse 8 ⇧ To: ⇧ Prof. M. Violin, Hamburg, Hochallee 58 [postmark:] || [illeg] [illeg] || {verso} Floriz, 1 In haste: just to let you know that you will receive your 120 Marks again through the Deutsche Bank Berlin. (The money from Cotta arrived just now!) 2 I shall not get round to writing you a letter until the first days of October; this will bring you quite interesting news. Cordial greetings to you and yours, and best wishes for the new teaching year, from Lie-Liechen and me © Translation William Drabkin, 2011 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this postcard is not recorded in Schenker's diary. Violin's list of pieces may have been intended for forthcoming concerts and solo recitals; Feux follets probably refers to the Liszt's Transcendental Etudes. 2 "Cottageld": = OJ 9/31, [49] = CA 203, September 13, 1921, which announces the transfer of 786.60 Marks for the sales of Harmonielehre and Kontrapunkt 1 in 1920. Receipt of the payment is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/2, p. 2391, September 19, 1921: " Von der Würtembergischen Bank Brief mit Chek." ("From the Würtemberg Bank letter with cheque."). |
Digital version created: 2011-06-02 |