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[printed invoice form with handwritten entries: Italic = printed, Roman = handwritten]

Stuttgart, den 1. September 1909


fürHochwohlgeboren Herrn Dr. H. Schenker, Wien

von der
J. G. COTTA’schen Buchhandlung Nachfolger in Stuttgart und Berlin 1

—Die Preise verstehen sich ohne jeden Abzug netto gegen bar—

18/ IX. 1909 1 Neue Musikalische Theorien, Bd. I gb M. 12.50 [M. ] 9.35
@ Frau Dr Sophie Guttmann, Sereth Porto [M. ] –.50
1 Neue Musikal. Theorien Bd. I gbd. M. 12.50 [M. ] 9.35
@ Herrn Prof. Rudorff, 2 Lauenstein Porto [M. ] –.50
M. 19.70

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2005, 2018

[printed invoice form with handwritten entries: Italic = printed, Roman = handwritten]

Stuttgart, September 1, 1909


forDr. H. Schenker, Esq., Vienna

from the
Successors to J. G COTTA's Book Dealership in Stuttgart and Berlin 1

—The prices are reckoned without any deduction net against cash.—

Sep. 18, 1909 1 New Musical Theories, vol. I bound M. 12.50 [M. ] 9.35
to Mrs. Sophie Guttmann, Sereth Postage [M. ] –.50
1 New Musical Theories vol. I bound M. 12.50 [M. ] 9.35
To Prof. Rudorff, 2 Lauenstein postage [M. ] –.50
M. 19.70

© Translation Ian Bent, 2005, 2018

[printed invoice form with handwritten entries: Italic = printed, Roman = handwritten]

Stuttgart, den 1. September 1909


fürHochwohlgeboren Herrn Dr. H. Schenker, Wien

von der
J. G. COTTA’schen Buchhandlung Nachfolger in Stuttgart und Berlin 1

—Die Preise verstehen sich ohne jeden Abzug netto gegen bar—

18/ IX. 1909 1 Neue Musikalische Theorien, Bd. I gb M. 12.50 [M. ] 9.35
@ Frau Dr Sophie Guttmann, Sereth Porto [M. ] –.50
1 Neue Musikal. Theorien Bd. I gbd. M. 12.50 [M. ] 9.35
@ Herrn Prof. Rudorff, 2 Lauenstein Porto [M. ] –.50
M. 19.70

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2005, 2018

[printed invoice form with handwritten entries: Italic = printed, Roman = handwritten]

Stuttgart, September 1, 1909


forDr. H. Schenker, Esq., Vienna

from the
Successors to J. G COTTA's Book Dealership in Stuttgart and Berlin 1

—The prices are reckoned without any deduction net against cash.—

Sep. 18, 1909 1 New Musical Theories, vol. I bound M. 12.50 [M. ] 9.35
to Mrs. Sophie Guttmann, Sereth Postage [M. ] –.50
1 New Musical Theories vol. I bound M. 12.50 [M. ] 9.35
To Prof. Rudorff, 2 Lauenstein postage [M. ] –.50
M. 19.70

© Translation Ian Bent, 2005, 2018


1 Receipt of this invoice is not recorded in Schenker's diary.

2 Schenker informs Rudorff in OJ 5/35, [2], [September 17], 1908, that he is ordering Cotta to send Rudorff a copy of Harmonielehre, and Rudorff acknowledges receipt in OJ 13/37, 3, September 24, 1908, and gives his reactions to it in OJ 13/37, 5, November 21, 1908.


printed form, handwritten address and entries
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Schiller-Nationalmuseum/Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Cotta Archiv (Stiftung der Stuttgarter Zeitung), Marbach am Neckar, Germany as representatives of J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung; in the public domain. Published here by kind permission.
Permission granted by the Cotta Archiv (Stiftung der Stuttgarter Zeitung) of the Schiller-Nationalmuseum/Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach am Neckar, Germany, on July 20, 2005. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk.

Digital version created: 2018-08-02
Last updated: 2012-11-02