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OJ 15/8, [6] - Handwritten letter from Waldheim–Eberle to Schenker, dated May 2, 1908
⇧ BUCHDRUCKEREI- UND VERLAGS- AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT [R. v. WALDHEIM–JOS. EBERLE & Co.] [etc.] WIEN VII/1. SEIDENGASSE 3—9 ⇧ Wien, 2 Mai 1908 >Hochwohlgeboren Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker, Wien. Hiemit ersuchen wir Sie höflich, uns bezüglich Besprechung Der [sic] Angelegenheit der Niloff'schen Instrumentationstabelle mit Ihrem gesch. Besuche zu beehren. Wollen Sie jedoch vorher den Tag und die Stunde gefl. angeben, damit unser Herr Direktor Schmiedel 1 bestimmt anwesend ist. 2 Wir empfehlen uns mit Hochachtung ⇧ BUCHDRUCKEREI- UND VERLAGS-AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT vorm. [signed:] R. v. WALDHEIM, JOS. EBERLE & Co. [illeg. initials] [signed:] [illeg. signature] ppa Schmiedel © Transcription Christoph Hust, 2007 |
⇧ BOOK PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD. [R. v. WALDHEIM–JOS. EBERLE & Co.] [etc.] VIENNA VII/1, SEIDENGASSE 3—9 ⇧ Vienna, May 2, 1908 Dr. Heinrich Schenker, Esq. Vienna We respectfully herewith request that you honor us with your valued presence for purposes of discussing the matter of the Niloff Instrumentation Table . However, please be so kind as to notify us in advance of the day and time, so that our Director Schmiedel 1 can be sure to be present. 2 We remain, with kind regards, ⇧ PRINTING- UND PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD. formerly [signed:] R. v. WALDHEIM, JOS. EBERLE & Co. [illeg. initials] [signed:] [illeg. signature] ppa Schmiedel © Translation Ian Bent, 2007, 2023 |
⇧ BUCHDRUCKEREI- UND VERLAGS- AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT [R. v. WALDHEIM–JOS. EBERLE & Co.] [etc.] WIEN VII/1. SEIDENGASSE 3—9 ⇧ Wien, 2 Mai 1908 >Hochwohlgeboren Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker, Wien. Hiemit ersuchen wir Sie höflich, uns bezüglich Besprechung Der [sic] Angelegenheit der Niloff'schen Instrumentationstabelle mit Ihrem gesch. Besuche zu beehren. Wollen Sie jedoch vorher den Tag und die Stunde gefl. angeben, damit unser Herr Direktor Schmiedel 1 bestimmt anwesend ist. 2 Wir empfehlen uns mit Hochachtung ⇧ BUCHDRUCKEREI- UND VERLAGS-AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT vorm. [signed:] R. v. WALDHEIM, JOS. EBERLE & Co. [illeg. initials] [signed:] [illeg. signature] ppa Schmiedel © Transcription Christoph Hust, 2007 |
⇧ BOOK PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD. [R. v. WALDHEIM–JOS. EBERLE & Co.] [etc.] VIENNA VII/1, SEIDENGASSE 3—9 ⇧ Vienna, May 2, 1908 Dr. Heinrich Schenker, Esq. Vienna We respectfully herewith request that you honor us with your valued presence for purposes of discussing the matter of the Niloff Instrumentation Table . However, please be so kind as to notify us in advance of the day and time, so that our Director Schmiedel 1 can be sure to be present. 2 We remain, with kind regards, ⇧ PRINTING- UND PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD. formerly [signed:] R. v. WALDHEIM, JOS. EBERLE & Co. [illeg. initials] [signed:] [illeg. signature] ppa Schmiedel © Translation Ian Bent, 2007, 2023 |
Footnotes1 The name Schmiedel does not appear in the lists of officers of the company in Lehmann’s Wohnungs-Anzeiger for Vienna in 1907, 1908, or 1909. The Director in the 1908 list is given as Josef Stritzko. 2 There are no entries in Schenker’s diary for the month of May 1908. A meeting took place on June 25, 1908, with Universal Edition to discuss publication of the Instrumentations Tabelle, and Schenker produced a contract dated June 30 (OC 52/421). It is likely, therefore, that negotiations had begun a month or so earlier, and that this was a preliminary approach by Waldheim-Eberle, who had already done the printing work on the Table in 1905-06 and was anxious to be remunerated for their work (see the second paragraph of OJ 15/8, [5], September 24, 1906). |
Digital version created: 2023-09-03 |