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11. IV. 19 Schön.

— Anfrage an das Auskunftsbureau der „N. Fr. Pr.“ wegen einer Sommerfrische bei Salzburg. 1 — An Gärtner (K.): protestiere gegen die schlechten Zigarren (der Junge hat sich, ich nehme an aus Versehen, dieselben Zigarren zweimal bezahlen lassen!). — Frl. Moscisker zahlt endlich. — Lie-Liechen bringt ihren neu-modernisierten Hut nachhause. — Salo zur Jause; lehnt die angebotenen 1000 Kronen ab, befürchtet ernste Erkrankung Hans’; wir geben eine Dose Sardinen mit. — Lie-Liechen arg verschnupft. — Von Vrieslander (Br.): offenbar ermüdet, resignirt, hat noch einige Wünsche an mich, möchte insbesondere die Anmerkungen zum Generalbaß 2 einsehen; schärfste Verurteilung von Roth. 3

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

April 11, 1919 Nice.

— Letter of inquiry to the information office of the Neue Freie Presse regarding a summer resort near Salzburg. 1 — To Gärtner (postcard): protest against the bad cigars (the boy, I assume inadvertently, collected payment twice for the same cigars!). — Miss Moscisker finally pays. — Lie-Liechen brings her newly modernized hat home. —Salo to teatime; refuses the 1,000 Kronen offered to him, is afraid that Hans may be seriously ill; we give [him] a can of sardines to take with him. — Lie-Liechen has a bad case of the sniffles. — From Vrieslander (letter): apparently tired, resigned, has a few wishes to ask of me, would especially like to study the comments on thoroughbass; 2 harsh condemnation from Roth. 3

© Translation Scott Witmer.

11. IV. 19 Schön.

— Anfrage an das Auskunftsbureau der „N. Fr. Pr.“ wegen einer Sommerfrische bei Salzburg. 1 — An Gärtner (K.): protestiere gegen die schlechten Zigarren (der Junge hat sich, ich nehme an aus Versehen, dieselben Zigarren zweimal bezahlen lassen!). — Frl. Moscisker zahlt endlich. — Lie-Liechen bringt ihren neu-modernisierten Hut nachhause. — Salo zur Jause; lehnt die angebotenen 1000 Kronen ab, befürchtet ernste Erkrankung Hans’; wir geben eine Dose Sardinen mit. — Lie-Liechen arg verschnupft. — Von Vrieslander (Br.): offenbar ermüdet, resignirt, hat noch einige Wünsche an mich, möchte insbesondere die Anmerkungen zum Generalbaß 2 einsehen; schärfste Verurteilung von Roth. 3

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

April 11, 1919 Nice.

— Letter of inquiry to the information office of the Neue Freie Presse regarding a summer resort near Salzburg. 1 — To Gärtner (postcard): protest against the bad cigars (the boy, I assume inadvertently, collected payment twice for the same cigars!). — Miss Moscisker finally pays. — Lie-Liechen brings her newly modernized hat home. —Salo to teatime; refuses the 1,000 Kronen offered to him, is afraid that Hans may be seriously ill; we give [him] a can of sardines to take with him. — Lie-Liechen has a bad case of the sniffles. — From Vrieslander (letter): apparently tired, resigned, has a few wishes to ask of me, would especially like to study the comments on thoroughbass; 2 harsh condemnation from Roth. 3

© Translation Scott Witmer.


1 Schenker is reacting to an advertisement that reads as follows: ""In the castle, in Pongau (Salzburg), ten minutes from the train station, magnificent, protected location, eight simply furnished single or connected rooms are for rent over the summer. Milk at the house, board included, bathing facilities available. Inquiries to the Advertizing Department of this paper at 'Tauern 24817'."" ( Neue Freie Presse , No. 19622, April 10, 1919, morning edition, p. 19).

2 Possibly either Schenker's unpublished "Von der Stimmführung des Generalbasses" or "Kommentar zu Ph. E. Bachs 'Versuch'," now preserved among the Felix Salzer papers in the New York Public Library, of which a typescript exists as OC 6/1; see Hedi Siegel, ""A Source for Schenker's Study of Thorough-Bass: His Annotated Copy of J. S. Bach's Generalbassbüchlein," in Schenker Studies (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990), pp. 15–28.

3 Allusion to Herman Roth's continuo realization in his edition of works by J. S. Bach, in particular of Bach's Schemelli songbook, of which Schenker was critical; all of they appear in the Peters catalog for 1917.