11. Regen, 12°.
— Von Deutsch (K.= OJ 10/3, [110]): wurde an 2. Stelle, hinter Frau Dr. Kraus, vorgeschlagen, hat abgelehnt; möchte mich sprechen. — An Deutsch (K. expreß): auch ich habe den Wunsch, schlage morgen am Staatsfeiertag 1 vor. — An Weigl (K. expreß): zur Vorsicht melde ich, daß dieser Mittwoch vergeben ist, ich bitte, in Hinkunft eine Woche vorher zu verständigen. — An Oppel (K.): werde Brief u. Noten nach Galtür mitbringen, in Eile nur einiges Grundsätzliche. — Von ¼12–¾12h Spaziergang, bei Medek den Stoff abgegeben. — Von Deutsch (K.= OJ 10/3, [111] expreß): wird morgen um 5h erscheinen. — Rf. Duhan „Dichterliebe“ – meist im Zeitmaß zu schleppend. — Von der Uebertragung aus dem Opernhaus der Festvorstellung der Concordia hören wir nur die Sakuntala-Ouvertüre, 2 hängen ab. —© Transcription Marko Deisinger. |
11. rain, 12°.
— From Deutsch (postcard= OJ 10/3, [110]): he was recommended in second place, behind Dr. Kraus, and declined; he would like to speak with me. — To Deutsch (express postcard): I, too, would like [to speak with him], suggest tomorrow, a national holiday. 1 — To Weigl (express postcard): as a precaution, I inform him that this Wednesday is impossible; I ask him in future to arrange things a week earlier. — To Oppel (postcard): I shall bring letter and music to Galtür; in haste only a few fundamental points. — From 11:15 to 11:45, a walk; the material dropped off at Medek's. — From Deutsch (express postcard= OJ 10/3, [111]): he will appear tomorrow at 5 o'clock. — Radio, Duhan, Dichterliebe – for the most part, the tempo too sluggish. — From the broadcast of the Concordia gala performance at the Opera House, we listen only to the Overture "Sakuntula" , then turn off. 2 —© Translation William Drabkin. |
Footnotes1 On November 12, 1918 the Republic was officially called into existence from the ramp of the Parliament. On April 25, 1919, the National Assembly unanimously and without debate declared November 12 a national holiday. When the Parliament was dissolved in 1933, the national holiday on November 12 was also jeopardized. On April 27, 1934, the national holiday on November 12 was eliminated. 2 An evening of music and theater celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of Concordia, a guild of writers and journalists; Karl Goldmark's Sakuntala-Ouvertüre, Op. 13 (1865), opened the program. |