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11. Regen, 12°.

— Von Deutsch (K.= OJ 10/3, [110]): wurde an 2. Stelle, hinter Frau Dr. Kraus, vorgeschlagen, hat abgelehnt; möchte mich sprechen. — An Deutsch (K. expreß): auch ich habe den Wunsch, schlage morgen am Staatsfeiertag 1 vor. — An Weigl (K. expreß): zur Vorsicht melde ich, daß dieser Mittwoch vergeben ist, ich bitte, in Hinkunft eine Woche vorher zu verständigen. — An Oppel (K.): werde Brief u. Noten nach Galtür mitbringen, in Eile nur einiges Grundsätzliche. — Von ¼12–¾12h Spaziergang, bei Medek den Stoff abgegeben. — Von Deutsch (K.= OJ 10/3, [111] expreß): wird morgen um 5h erscheinen. — Rf. Duhan „Dichterliebe“ – meist im Zeitmaß zu schleppend. — Von der Uebertragung aus dem Opernhaus der Festvorstellung der Concordia hören wir nur die Sakuntala-Ouvertüre, 2 hängen ab.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

11. rain, 12°.

— From Deutsch (postcard= OJ 10/3, [110]): he was recommended in second place, behind Dr. Kraus, and declined; he would like to speak with me. — To Deutsch (express postcard): I, too, would like [to speak with him], suggest tomorrow, a national holiday. 1 — To Weigl (express postcard): as a precaution, I inform him that this Wednesday is impossible; I ask him in future to arrange things a week earlier. — To Oppel (postcard): I shall bring letter and music to Galtür; in haste only a few fundamental points. — From 11:15 to 11:45, a walk; the material dropped off at Medek's. — From Deutsch (express postcard= OJ 10/3, [111]): he will appear tomorrow at 5 o'clock. — Radio, Duhan, Dichterliebe – for the most part, the tempo too sluggish. — From the broadcast of the Concordia gala performance at the Opera House, we listen only to the Overture "Sakuntula" , then turn off. 2

© Translation William Drabkin.


1 On November 12, 1918 the Republic was officially called into existence from the ramp of the Parliament. On April 25, 1919, the National Assembly unanimously and without debate declared November 12 a national holiday. When the Parliament was dissolved in 1933, the national holiday on November 12 was also jeopardized. On April 27, 1934, the national holiday on November 12 was eliminated.

2 An evening of music and theater celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of Concordia, a guild of writers and journalists; Karl Goldmark's Sakuntala-Ouvertüre, Op. 13 (1865), opened the program.