OJ 12/50, [1] Handwritten letter from Bernhard Martin to Schenker, dated March 27, 1929
Bernhard Martin sends Schenker an analytical sketch and a composition study,
for comment. He expresses his gratitude for all that he has learned from his lessons with
OJ 12/50, [2] Handwritten letter from Bernhard Martin to Schenker, dated June 15, 1929
Bernhard Martin sends Schenker a "little treasure box" and wishes him and
Jeanette a recuperative vacation.
OJ 12/50, [3] Handwritten letter from Bernhard Martin to Schenker, dated July 3, 1929
Bernhard Martin is working on Schenker's graphings of the E-flat major piano
sonata of Haydn in connection with his class teaching. He has obtained a copy of Schenker's
facsimile of the "Moonlight" Sonata and is seeking his edition of the Chromatic Fantasy and
Fugue. He inquires after the [projected] Erläuterungsausgabe of Op. 106 and Schenker's
periodical articles.
OJ 12/50, [4] Handwritten letter from Bernhard Martin to Schenker, dated October 31,
Bernhard Martin sends Schenker graphings of a Mendelssohn Lied ohne Worte and
a J. S. Bach Kleines Präludium. -- He describes the duplicated and missing pages in his
misbound copy of Schenker's Harmonielehre. -- He suggests a correction to Schenker's use of
the term "portamento." -- Having read Otto Vrieslander's biography of C. P. E. Bach, he
proposes to perform a cantata by the latter and describes the concert program in which it
will feature.
OJ 12/50, [5] Handwritten letter from Bernhard Martin to Schenker, undated [January 1 or 2,
In thanking Schenker for all that he has learned from him, Bernhard Martin
sends New Year's greetings to Heinrich and Jeanette. He looks forward to the "Eroica
OJ 12/50, [6] Handwritten letter from Bernhard Martin to Schenker, undated [?July c.10,
Bernhard Martin reports using Schenker's analysis of the Haydn E-flat major
piano sonata [Tonwille 3] with his secondary school class. -- As a violinist he is working
on the Brahms Op. 78 violin sonata. -- He inquires after the "Eroica monograph." --
Universal Edition has still not rectified his defective copy of Schenker's Harmonielehre. --
He asks about Furtwängler's studies with Schenker.
OJ 12/50, [7] Handwritten letter from Bernhard Martin to Schenker, undated [1931?]
Bernhard Martin sends Schenker a circular sketch diagram of the opening of the
C minor fugue from WTC, Book I, which he has used in his class teaching. He has for two
years been developing from Schenker's publications proposals for music instruction in
schools, including counterpoint with practical exercises.