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Austrian pianist who lived in Vienna from 1873 to the end of his life, and established himself as a popular concert pianist and piano teacher. By 1905, he held the title of K. K. Kammervirtuose u. königlicher preußischer Hofpianist (Imperial-Royal Chamber Virtuoso and Royal Prussian Court Pianist).

Grünfeld and Schenker

In 1912, Grünfeld was one of the protagonists in Schenker's ultimately abortive attempt to form an Organisation producirender und reproducirender Künstler (Organization of Creative and Performing Artists: see WSLB 114, June 4, 1912). On December 3, 1916, the Rothschild Artists' Foundation invited Schenker to serve as a juror for the Foundation in conjunction with Guido Adler and Alfred Grünfeld (OJ 12/26, [2]); Schenker declined (OJ 2/5, pp. 535-536, December 13 and 14, 1916; also OC 1/19-20, March 12, 1917), though apparently out of antagonism toward Adler, not Grünfeld.

Correspondence with Schenker

One item of correspondence from Grünfeld to Schenker survives as OJ 11/28 (undated).


  • Baker's1971
  • Federfoher, Hellmut, Heinrich Schenker nach Tagebüchern und Briefen ... (Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1985), pp. 23, 54
  • Heuberger, Richard, ed., Musikbuch aus Österreich, vol. 2 (Vienna and Leipzig: Hofbuchdruckerei, 1905)

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