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  • Walter Riezler
  • Walter Rietzler


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  • OJ 15/15, [46] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated April 14, 1930

    Weisse expresses his unease about the dedication to Furtwängler of an article on the "Urlinie," by Walter Riezler. He thinks that Furtwängler, who does not really understand the term, may have put Riezler up to writing it.

  • OJ 6/7, [48] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated May 19, [1930]

    After congratulating Violin on moving house, Schenker reports that an article that is critical of the "Urlinie", by Walter Riezler, has apparently offended Furtwängler, a childhood friend of the author. Furtwängler hoped that Hans Weisse might write a response; in the end, Brünauer wrote one, and Weisse has sent it to Furtwängler. Schenker has himself replied to an article by Eduard Beninger in the February 1930 issue of the Zeitschrift für Musik. Owing to overwork, he was required to rest during the day between lessons; now he is better. Oppel is again coming to Galtür and Schenker hopes that Violin will join him there, too.

  • OJ 12/6, [16] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated October 1, 1932

    Further on Hoboken and the number of subscriptions; Jonas thanks Schenker for approving an article about the Photogrammarchiv that he hopes will be published in Die Musik.


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