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OJ 14/45, [30] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schenker, dated February 5, 1924
Violin reports that Max Temming is keen to support his plan to promote Schenker's work. Following discussions with Schenker in Vienna, he makes some provisional calculations on how the gift of money would give Schenker more time to devote to his writings. He also thinks about the happy prospect of Schenker coming to Hamburg.
OJ 14/9, [1] Handwritten letter from Victor Schiff to Klara Hatschek, dated October 30, 1925
Victor Schiff sends greetings to Klara Hatschek and the wider Schiff family, inquiring after Jeanette Schenker, Emil Kornfeld, and their boys. — He reports on himself and his life first in Bolivia then in Chile. — He intends to migrate to Palestine, and proclaims his belief in the future of the Jewish people in the land of Israel after 2,000 years of servitude, and its past and future contribution to the world. — In a postscript, he questions the value generally placed on “success,” and voices his philosophy of life.
OJ 14/45, [51] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schenker, dated February 18, 1926
Violin, in the aftermath of two enormously successful trio concerts with Mauritz van den Berg and Friedrich Buxbaum, gives an account of Buxbaum's vanity and the difficulty this causes in rehearsals and more generally for the ensemble. His doctor has recommended that he spends three weeks in Bad Gastein this summer. He has not yet received Hammer's portrait of Schenker.
OJ 10/3, [53] Typewritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 16, 1927
Deutsch asks Schenker what he wrote about Domenico Scarlatti and Chopin as non-German geniuses, for his forthcoming trip to Sweden. He has learned that Schubert was paid for two summers’ teaching for the Esterházy family; he has valued two song manuscripts belonging to the family at 4,000 marks.
Diary entry by Schenker for 13 August 1914
Diary entry by Schenker for 30 November 1914
Diary entry by Schenker for 16 November 1915
Diary entry by Schenker for 6 September 1916
Diary entry by Schenker for 5 June 1919
Diary entry by Schenker for 2 January 1928
Diary entry by Schenker for 3 March 1928