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[all in decorative rule-frame:]


An Wohlgeboren Herrn Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schenker,
in Wien III.
Reisnerstr. 38

[postmark:] || 1/1 WIEN [?6] | 23.XI.08 | * [illeg] * ||

Wohlgeboren Herrn Prof. Dr. H. Schenker,

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor! 1

Vielleicht ist es Ihnen doch möglich, uns an einem der nächsten Tage das Vergnügen Ihres Besuches zu machen, nachdem Ihre Instrumentaltabelle, welche zunächst in einer kleinen Auflage erschien, nunmehr in einer grossen Auflage herauskommen soll 2 und wir diesbezüglich einiges mit Ihnen zu besprechen hätten.

[right side:]
[signed:] „Universal-Edition“ A-G.
(Jos. Aibl Verlag, G.m.b.H.)
[signed:] Hertzka

[left side:]
Wien, am 23. 11 1908
I. Maximilianstraße 11.
(Telefon 4921, lokal u. interurban).
I. Wipplingerstrasse 32

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2005, 2016

[all in decorative rule-frame:]

Book Slip

To: Prof. Heinrich Schenker, Esq.
in: Vienna III
Reisnerstraße 38

[postmark:] || 1/1 VIENNA [?6] | 23.XI.08 | * [illeg] * ||

Prof. H. Schenker, Esq.

Dear Professor, 1

Might it be possible for you to do us the pleasure of paying us a visit in the next day or so, since your Instrumentation Table , which first appeared in a small edition, is now due to be released in a large edition 2 and we have one or two things to speak to you about in this connection?

[right side:]
With kind regards,
[signed:] Universal Edition & Co.
(Jos. Aibl, Publisher, & Co.)
[signed:] Hertzka

[left side:]
Vienna, November 23, 1908
[Vienna] I, Maximilianstraße 11.
(Telephone 4921, local and interurban)
[Vienna] I, Wipplingerstrasse 32

© Translation Ian Bent, 2005, 2016

[all in decorative rule-frame:]


An Wohlgeboren Herrn Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schenker,
in Wien III.
Reisnerstr. 38

[postmark:] || 1/1 WIEN [?6] | 23.XI.08 | * [illeg] * ||

Wohlgeboren Herrn Prof. Dr. H. Schenker,

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor! 1

Vielleicht ist es Ihnen doch möglich, uns an einem der nächsten Tage das Vergnügen Ihres Besuches zu machen, nachdem Ihre Instrumentaltabelle, welche zunächst in einer kleinen Auflage erschien, nunmehr in einer grossen Auflage herauskommen soll 2 und wir diesbezüglich einiges mit Ihnen zu besprechen hätten.

[right side:]
[signed:] „Universal-Edition“ A-G.
(Jos. Aibl Verlag, G.m.b.H.)
[signed:] Hertzka

[left side:]
Wien, am 23. 11 1908
I. Maximilianstraße 11.
(Telefon 4921, lokal u. interurban).
I. Wipplingerstrasse 32

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2005, 2016

[all in decorative rule-frame:]

Book Slip

To: Prof. Heinrich Schenker, Esq.
in: Vienna III
Reisnerstraße 38

[postmark:] || 1/1 VIENNA [?6] | 23.XI.08 | * [illeg] * ||

Prof. H. Schenker, Esq.

Dear Professor, 1

Might it be possible for you to do us the pleasure of paying us a visit in the next day or so, since your Instrumentation Table , which first appeared in a small edition, is now due to be released in a large edition 2 and we have one or two things to speak to you about in this connection?

[right side:]
With kind regards,
[signed:] Universal Edition & Co.
(Jos. Aibl, Publisher, & Co.)
[signed:] Hertzka

[left side:]
Vienna, November 23, 1908
[Vienna] I, Maximilianstraße 11.
(Telephone 4921, local and interurban)
[Vienna] I, Wipplingerstrasse 32

© Translation Ian Bent, 2005, 2016


1 Receipt of this postcard is not recorded in Schenker's diary.

2 An edition of 2,000 copies was received from the printers on February 9, 1909, and was classified as the official first edition. In a letter to J.G. Cotta of May 26, 1909 (CA 96–98), Schenker gives us further information: "Thus it came about that a pseudonymous work of mine published by Universal Edition last Fall had such success that it sold 300 copies within the space of three weeks in Vienna alone, and after only two months a second edition had to be produced."


Rights Holder
Universal Edition, published here by kind permission
Published by kind permission of Universal Edition granted on December 6, 2010
Printed postcard, typewritten recipient address recto; typewritten salutation and message, printed and holograph signatures verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)

Digital version created: 2016-07-04
Last updated: 2010-02-07