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OC B/279 - Typewritten letter from Leo Liepmannssohn to Schenker, dated November 29, 1913
⇧ LEO LIEPMANNSSOHN. ANTIQUARIAT. SW. 11, Bernburgerstr. 14, gegenüber der „Philharmonie“ BERLIN, ⇧ den 29. Nov. 1913. ⇧ Telephon: Amt Kurfürst 2370 Telegramm-Adresse „Tonleiter-Berlin.“ Adams Cable Codex, 10th edition. ⇧ Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker, Wien. Sehr geehrter Herr, 1 Antwortlich Ihrer w. Zuschrift vom 28. ds. 2 bedaure ich, Ihnen mitteilen zu müssen, dass ich leider über den Verbleib der ⇧ Autographen der ⇧ angefragten Werke keine Auskunft geben kann. Die einzigen eigenhändigen grösseren Manuscripte Beethovens, welche in den letzten 10 Jahren durch meine Hände gingen, waren Opus 109, das Sie bereits kennen, und Opus 135, 3 welches im Jahre 1907 anlässlich einer Auktion durch einen Händler gekauft wurde und, so viel ich höre, in die Musikbibliothek Peters 4 gelangte. 5 Zu meinem Bedauern kann ich Ihnen weitere Mitteilungen nicht geben, so gern ich Ihnen auch gefällig sein möchte. © Transcription Nicholas Marston, 2015 |
⇧ LEO LIEPMANNSSOHN. ANTIQUARIAN DEALER SW. 11, Bernburgerstrasse 14, opposite the "Philharmonie" BERLIN, ⇧ November 29, 1913 ⇧ Telephone: Kurfürst Exchange 2370 Telegramm-Adresse "Tonleiter-Berlin" Adams Cable Codex, 10th edition ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker, Vienna Dear Sir, 1 In reply to your esteemed letter of the 28th of this month, 2 I regret to have to inform you that I can unfortunately give no information concerning the whereabouts of the ⇧ autograph manuscripts of ⇧ the works about which you are inquiring. The only more significant autograph manuscripts of Beethoven which have gone through my hands in the last ten years were Op. 109, of which you are already aware, and Op. 135, 3 which was purchased at auction in 1907 by a dealer and passed, from what I hear, into the Peters 4 Music Library. 5 It is with regret that I can tell you nothing more, however obliging I nonetheless would wish to be to you. © Translation Nicholas Marston, 2015 |
Footnotes1 Receipt of this letter is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 1/13, p. 480, December 1, 1913: "Brief v. Liepmanssohn." ("Letter from Liepmannssohn."). 2 Writing of this letter is recorded in Schenker’s diary at OJ 1/13, p. 476, November 27 [sic], 1913: "Mehrere Briefe bezüglich der Autographe op. 101 u. 106 ausgefertigt: an Liepmansohn, Ban Max Meinert, Berlin; bezüglich op. 111 an das Beethoven-Haus in Bonn". ("Several letters written regarding the autograph manuscripts of [Beethoven’s] Op. 101 and 106: to Liepmannssohn, district chief Max Meinert, Berlin; to the Beethoven-Haus in Bonn concerning Op. 111."). Meinert's reply is at OC B/280, December 1, 1913, further OC B/281, December 16, 1913; replies from Ferdinand August Schmidt (Beethoven-Haus) are at OC B/204, December 3, 1913, and OC B/203, December 13, 1913. 3 "Opus 135": underlined in pencil, presumably in Schenker's hand. 4 "Peters": underlined in pencil, presumably in Schenker's hand. 5 The manuscript in question is a set of parts, now Bonn, Beethovenhaus, BMh 6/46. For the provenance of this and the autograph of the Piano Sonata in E, Op. 109 – including their sale at the same Liepmannssohn auction in November 1907 – see Ludwig van Beethoven: Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis, ed. Kurt Dorfmüller, Norbert Gertsch, and Julia Ronge, 2 vols (Munich: Henle, 2014), vol. I, 700 and 891. |
Digital version created: 2015-02-19 |