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OJ 11/31, [3] - Handwritten picture postcard from Sophie Guttmann to Jeanette Schenker, dated June 19, 1939
[all in a decorative rule-frame] [picture of large building with hills, captioned: "Palace Hôtel à Sinaia"] ⇧ UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE ROUMANIE CARTE POSTALE [Absender: ] ⇧ Dr. Guttmann Siret, Roumaine [An:] Frau Dr. Heinrich Schenker, ⇧ Küb. am Semering, ⇧ Wien 89. Neue-Weltgasse 1a. [postmark:] [illegible] ⇧ Antw. Brief am 27. VI. 39 {verso} ⇧ Siret, 19. VI. 939 Meine teuere Lilli! 1 Gerade heute denke ich den ganzen Tag an dich. 2 Wo du nur sein kannst, wie es dir geht. – Schon sehr lange Zeit ist verstrichen seitdem ich dir geschrieben habe [–] ich hin sehr nervös. Unser Hans ist nach Beograd versetzt, nachdem er 19 Jahre direkt am Lande gewohnt hat. – – – Er hat avancirt, er soll sich nur bewähren?? – Julko ist sehr brav, benimmt sich zu uns und den Kindern in Czer. sehr schön. Friedas grössere Tochter kommt schon in's Lyzeum, die Kleine in die IIte Klasse. Herrliche Fratzen, wenn nur Ruhe wäre! – – – Mein Alter hält sich ganz fesch, ich bin nur sehr nervös. Schreibe wohin du gehst, ob du von deinen Verwandten welche Stütze hast? Wie steht's mit deinen Augen?? Warst du heute am Grabe unseres grossen Bruders, deines Gatten?? Schreibe bitte bitte sehr. Was ist mit meinem Wilhelm? Gieb mir seine Adresse an. [in top margin:] Von meinem Alten Grüsse. © Transcription Ian Bent, 2008, 2024 |
[all in a decorative rule-frame] [picture of large building with hills, captioned: "Palace Hôtel à Sinaia"] ⇧ UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE RUMANIA POSTCARD [From: ] ⇧ Dr. Guttmann Siret, Rumania [To:] Mrs. Heinrich Schenker ⇧ Küb. am Semering ⇧ Vienna 89, Neue-Weltgasse 1a. [postmark:] [illegible] ⇧ Reply letter June 27, 1939 {verso} ⇧ Siret, June 19, 1939 My dear Lilli, 1 I have been thinking of you, today of all days, the whole day long. 2 Just where you are, how you are doing. – A long, long time has gone by since I wrote to you. I am very nervy. Our Hans has now been transferred to Belgrade, after having lived right out in the country for nineteen years. – – – He has been promoted, he will just have to prove himself?? Julko is a very good fellow; he is very kind to us and the children in Czernowitz. Frieda's elder daughter has already moved to the girls’ secondary school, and the little one into the second grade. Splendid little rascals, if only there were peace! – – – My old man keeps himself well up-to-scratch; I am just very nervy. Write and tell me about your whereabouts, and whether you have any support, of what kind, from your relatives? How are things with your eyes?? Were you at the grave of our great brother, your husband, today?? Please, please write. What is my Wilhelm up to? Do let me have his address. [in top margin:] Greetings from my old man. © Translation Ian Bent, 2008, 2024 |
[all in a decorative rule-frame] [picture of large building with hills, captioned: "Palace Hôtel à Sinaia"] ⇧ UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE ROUMANIE CARTE POSTALE [Absender: ] ⇧ Dr. Guttmann Siret, Roumaine [An:] Frau Dr. Heinrich Schenker, ⇧ Küb. am Semering, ⇧ Wien 89. Neue-Weltgasse 1a. [postmark:] [illegible] ⇧ Antw. Brief am 27. VI. 39 {verso} ⇧ Siret, 19. VI. 939 Meine teuere Lilli! 1 Gerade heute denke ich den ganzen Tag an dich. 2 Wo du nur sein kannst, wie es dir geht. – Schon sehr lange Zeit ist verstrichen seitdem ich dir geschrieben habe [–] ich hin sehr nervös. Unser Hans ist nach Beograd versetzt, nachdem er 19 Jahre direkt am Lande gewohnt hat. – – – Er hat avancirt, er soll sich nur bewähren?? – Julko ist sehr brav, benimmt sich zu uns und den Kindern in Czer. sehr schön. Friedas grössere Tochter kommt schon in's Lyzeum, die Kleine in die IIte Klasse. Herrliche Fratzen, wenn nur Ruhe wäre! – – – Mein Alter hält sich ganz fesch, ich bin nur sehr nervös. Schreibe wohin du gehst, ob du von deinen Verwandten welche Stütze hast? Wie steht's mit deinen Augen?? Warst du heute am Grabe unseres grossen Bruders, deines Gatten?? Schreibe bitte bitte sehr. Was ist mit meinem Wilhelm? Gieb mir seine Adresse an. [in top margin:] Von meinem Alten Grüsse. © Transcription Ian Bent, 2008, 2024 |
[all in a decorative rule-frame] [picture of large building with hills, captioned: "Palace Hôtel à Sinaia"] ⇧ UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE RUMANIA POSTCARD [From: ] ⇧ Dr. Guttmann Siret, Rumania [To:] Mrs. Heinrich Schenker ⇧ Küb. am Semering ⇧ Vienna 89, Neue-Weltgasse 1a. [postmark:] [illegible] ⇧ Reply letter June 27, 1939 {verso} ⇧ Siret, June 19, 1939 My dear Lilli, 1 I have been thinking of you, today of all days, the whole day long. 2 Just where you are, how you are doing. – A long, long time has gone by since I wrote to you. I am very nervy. Our Hans has now been transferred to Belgrade, after having lived right out in the country for nineteen years. – – – He has been promoted, he will just have to prove himself?? Julko is a very good fellow; he is very kind to us and the children in Czernowitz. Frieda's elder daughter has already moved to the girls’ secondary school, and the little one into the second grade. Splendid little rascals, if only there were peace! – – – My old man keeps himself well up-to-scratch; I am just very nervy. Write and tell me about your whereabouts, and whether you have any support, of what kind, from your relatives? How are things with your eyes?? Were you at the grave of our great brother, your husband, today?? Please, please write. What is my Wilhelm up to? Do let me have his address. [in top margin:] Greetings from my old man. © Translation Ian Bent, 2008, 2024 |
Footnotes1 Paragraph-breaks here are editorially inserted, in place of endashes in the original. 2 June 19, 1868 was Heinrich Schenker's birthday. |
Digital version created: 2024-03-13 |