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OJ 14/23, [11] - Handwritten postcard from Seligmann to Schenker, postmarked June 4, 1908
⇧ Absender: ⇧ A. F. Seligmann IX/3 Schwarzspanierstr. 15 ⇧ Herrn Dr Heinrich Schenker Musiker III Reisnerstrasse 38. [postmark:] || 9/4 WIEN 99 | 4. VI. 08 230 | [illeg] | [illeg] || [postmark:] || 9/4 WIEN [illeg] | 4. VI. 08 230 | [illeg] | * P * || [postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 49 | 4 VI 08 3 | * P * || [overwritten diagonally:] ⇧ pneumatisch 1 ⇧ 49 {verso} ⇧ L. Fr. Den Wagen kann man auch in Korneuburg nehmen, wo wir essen werden. 2 Der Zug geht, so viel ich mich erinnere, vom Nordwestbahnhof um 10 - 20 ab. Uebrigens möchte ich das alles mit Ihnen noch besprechen. Ich bin heute und Samstag zw. 7–8 Uhr im Cafe Imp . © Transcription William Drabkin, 2022 |
⇧ From: ⇧ A. F. Seligmann [Vienna] IX/3, Schwarzspanierstrasse 15 ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Musician [Vienna] III, Reisnerstrasse 38. [postmark:] || 9/4 VIENNA 99 | 4. VI. 08 230 | [illeg] | [illeg] || [postmark:] || 9/4 VIENNA [illeg] | 4. VI. 08 230 | [illeg] | * P * || [postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 49 | 4 VI 08 3 | * P * || [overwritten diagonally:] ⇧ by pneumatic mail 1 ⇧ 49 {verso} ⇧ Dear friend, We can also take a coach in Korneuburg, where we shall eat. 2 As best I can remember, the train departs from the Northwest Railway Station at 10:20. Moreover, I should still like to discuss all of this with you. I shall be at the Café Imperial today and Saturday, between 7 and 8 o’clock. © Translation William Drabkin, 2022 |
⇧ Absender: ⇧ A. F. Seligmann IX/3 Schwarzspanierstr. 15 ⇧ Herrn Dr Heinrich Schenker Musiker III Reisnerstrasse 38. [postmark:] || 9/4 WIEN 99 | 4. VI. 08 230 | [illeg] | [illeg] || [postmark:] || 9/4 WIEN [illeg] | 4. VI. 08 230 | [illeg] | * P * || [postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 49 | 4 VI 08 3 | * P * || [overwritten diagonally:] ⇧ pneumatisch 1 ⇧ 49 {verso} ⇧ L. Fr. Den Wagen kann man auch in Korneuburg nehmen, wo wir essen werden. 2 Der Zug geht, so viel ich mich erinnere, vom Nordwestbahnhof um 10 - 20 ab. Uebrigens möchte ich das alles mit Ihnen noch besprechen. Ich bin heute und Samstag zw. 7–8 Uhr im Cafe Imp . © Transcription William Drabkin, 2022 |
⇧ From: ⇧ A. F. Seligmann [Vienna] IX/3, Schwarzspanierstrasse 15 ⇧ Dr. Heinrich Schenker Musician [Vienna] III, Reisnerstrasse 38. [postmark:] || 9/4 VIENNA 99 | 4. VI. 08 230 | [illeg] | [illeg] || [postmark:] || 9/4 VIENNA [illeg] | 4. VI. 08 230 | [illeg] | * P * || [postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 49 | 4 VI 08 3 | * P * || [overwritten diagonally:] ⇧ by pneumatic mail 1 ⇧ 49 {verso} ⇧ Dear friend, We can also take a coach in Korneuburg, where we shall eat. 2 As best I can remember, the train departs from the Northwest Railway Station at 10:20. Moreover, I should still like to discuss all of this with you. I shall be at the Café Imperial today and Saturday, between 7 and 8 o’clock. © Translation William Drabkin, 2022 |
Footnotes1 i.e., the underground pneumatic tube system throughout Vienna, for express delivery. This is matched by the “P” decipherable in the last line of two of the three postmarks. 2 Seligmann had planned an excursion to Kreuzenstein Castle: see his postcard of June 7, 1908 (OJ 14/23, [12]) and letter of ?June 1908 (OJ 14/23, [13]). |
Digital version created: 2022-11-22 |