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OJ 5/7a, [36] (formerly vC 36) - Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Cube, dated June 6, 1931
[printed:] ⇧ Postkarte [top-left, picture captioned: Innsbruck, Tirol] [Absender:] ⇧ Schenker, Wein III, Keilgasse 8 [An:] H Prof. Felix v. Cube Duisburg (Rhld) Gellertstr. 2 [postmark:] || 3 WIEN 40 | 6.VI.31. 19 | [illeg] || {verso} Lieber H. Prof. v. Cube! 1 © Transcription William Drabkin, 2006 |
[printed:] ⇧ Postcard [top-left, picture captioned: Innsbruck, Tirol] [From:] ⇧ Schenker, Vienna III, Keilgasse 8 [To:] Prof. Felix v. Cube Duisburg (Rhld) Gellertstr. 2 [postmark:] || 3 WIEN 40 | 6.VI.31. 19 | [illeg] || {verso} Dear Professor von Cube, 1 © Translation William Drabkin, 2006 |
[printed:] ⇧ Postkarte [top-left, picture captioned: Innsbruck, Tirol] [Absender:] ⇧ Schenker, Wein III, Keilgasse 8 [An:] H Prof. Felix v. Cube Duisburg (Rhld) Gellertstr. 2 [postmark:] || 3 WIEN 40 | 6.VI.31. 19 | [illeg] || {verso} Lieber H. Prof. v. Cube! 1 © Transcription William Drabkin, 2006 |
[printed:] ⇧ Postcard [top-left, picture captioned: Innsbruck, Tirol] [From:] ⇧ Schenker, Vienna III, Keilgasse 8 [To:] Prof. Felix v. Cube Duisburg (Rhld) Gellertstr. 2 [postmark:] || 3 WIEN 40 | 6.VI.31. 19 | [illeg] || {verso} Dear Professor von Cube, 1 © Translation William Drabkin, 2006 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/4, p. 3625, June 6, 1931: "An v. Cube (K.): werde aus Galtür schreiben." ("To von Cube (postcard): I will write from Galtür."). 2 calling card = visiting card: S had already sent one of these to Jonas on April 1, 1931, remarking in the covering letter (OJ 5/18, 6): "Enclosed is a calling card of Mozart's, which I myself have had produced at the printery. I hardly need tell you how the sight of these words, the highest revelation, which came to us from the mouth of genius, made me feel so happy and thankful toward God. (More about the origin of the passage in a special essay.)" It is likely that the essay never materialized, and there appears to be no copy of the document in OC or OJ. Whether it was a reproduction of an original calling card of Mozart's, or a card devised by Schenker using words uttered by Mozart, is unclear. |
Digital version created: 2006-11-11 |