OJ 14/5, [11] Typewritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated July 26,
Moriz Schenker reports that he has made 7,500 Kronen available to Schenker via
the Austrian Provincial Bank's branch in Innsbruck. (The Schenkers are on vacation in
OJ 10/1, [56] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated August 19, 1920
Dahms is having difficulty obtaining a passport, but still hopes to see Schenker
this summer, perhaps in Munich. — He sends his three biographical books to Schenker, but is
apprehensive of the latter's reaction to their hemeneutic elements; he hopes to writes something
more fitting.
OJ 6/7, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated June 13, 1921
Schenker gives an account of the move into Keilgasse 8 and describes his study in
the apartment. He outlines his holiday plans, and explains how he is raising the fees for
lessons in the autumn.
OJ 10/18, [1] Handwritten letter from Elias to Schenker, dated August 10, 1922
Miss Elias is unable to get to Galtüt on account of bad weather. — She
compares prices in the Tyrol with those in Vienna. — She hopes to meet up with the Schenkers
in Innsbruck on the homeward journey. — She confirms that she will be able to meet her
financial obligations in teh coming year.
OJ 5/45, [3] Copy, in Jeanette Schenker's hand, of a letter from Schenker to Weisse, dated September
12, 1923
Schenker explains his behavior a few days before, in reply to Weisse’s letter of
September 7, and his implicit displeasure at his pupil's lengthy trip to Italy in the summer.
OJ 8/4, [29] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, undated [April 11, 1924]
Schenker offers Violin advice about holidaying in Austria, recommending the Tyrol
above all. He expects that Otto Vrieslander and possibly Herman Roth will visit them [in
Galtür]. He also inquires about the establishment of a Hochschule for music in Hamburg.
OJ 5/38, [10] Handwritten postcard from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, undated [May 12,
Heinrich enquires after the name of a gardener in Waidhofen an der Thaya who
might be able to decorate their mother’s grave
OJ 5/38, [30] Handwritten letter from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated July 24, 1927
Heinrich reports his reaction to the recent events in Vienna [the July Revolt]
and transmits some news from Galtür, including the resumption of work on Der freie
OJ 15/15, [28] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated January 25, 1928
Weisse accepts a social invitation from Schenker, asks whether Viktor Hammer
might also join them.
OJ 15/15, [33] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated October 23, 1928
Weisse points out a part-writing error in Schenker's Counterpoint, vol. 2. He
suggests that his teacher looks at Alois Haba's recently published Neue Harmonielehre, and
commends Oppel's recent article on Bach's fugal technique.
OJ 8/4, [60] Handwritten poscard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated December 22,
The Schenkers send the Violins their best wishes.
OJ 15/15, [41] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated June 3, 1929
Weisse arranges to meet Schenker on Wednesday, June 11, 1929.
OJ 15/15, [42] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated June 5, 1929
Weisse confirms arrangements to meet Schenker on June 11.
OJ 5/7a, [36] (formerly vC 36) Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Cube, dated June 6, 1931
Schenker will write to Cube from Galtür, with Mozart calling
OJ 5/38, [80] Handwritten picture postcard from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated June 13,
Heinrich gives his elder brother his address for the summer.
OJ 14/10, [9] Handwritten picture postcard from Arnold & Rosa Weil to Jeanette & Heinrich
Schenker, dated October 14, 1933
Rosa and Arnold report their travels in Austria, with best
OJ 14/10, [10] Handwritten letter from Rosa Weil to Heinrich & Jeanette Schenker, dated
November 13, 1933
Rosa Weil incloses a letter from Victor Schiff, commenting on its contents,
speculating as to why he has returned from Palestine. — She reports Klara’s present violent
condition, remarking on Klara’s husband Oskar’s stoicism. — She describes the family’s
recent holiday in Austria. — She admits being musically uneducated.
OJ 15/22, [8] Handwritten letter from Willfort to Schenker, dated July 30, 1934
Willfort reports progress in his conducting career; he will be in Vienna next
academic year; has the prospect of a radio concert with RAVAG in September.
OJ 10/18, [8] Handwritten letter from Elias to Schenker dated August 16, 1934
Miss Elias reports that her mother has died.