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[picture of mountain range with house in foreground, captioned: "Rosengarten-Gruppe v. Karersee-Hotel"]

[Absender:] H Schenker
Karerpass, Tirol

[An:] H Prof M. Violin
Baden b/Wien
Jägerhausstr. 10

[postmark:] || KARERSEE | 2.VIII.10 | [illeg] ||


Täglich, stündlich, minutlich erwarte ich deinen Brief. Ja, ich halte sogar mit einem Brief meinerseits zurück, worin ich dir Meldung zu erstatten hätte. Also heraus damit! Du uzest mich, u. willst mich hungern wissen, 1 ‒ der alte Hallunka, der du immer bist ‒ aber du machst die Rechnung ohne meinen: ich trete halt dekolletiert auf, 2 freilich nicht ohne Scham u. Mühe. ‒ Also, also!

Die II Korrektur der „chrom. fant.“ kommt in paar Tagen. Da heißt es wieder an den Tisch. Wirst du kommen? Schicke, dann schreibe ich dir, u. du magst wünschen. Dieses also zur Erinnerung.

Viel schöne Wege habe ich gemacht.

Beste Grüße dein
[signed:] H.

2. 8. 10

© Transcription Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2019

[picture of mountain range with house in foreground, captioned: "Rosengarten Group from the Karersee Hotel"]

[From:] H. Schenker
Karerpass, Tyrol
Karerpass Hotel

[to:] Prof. M. Violin
Baden near Vienna
Jägerhausstraße 10

[postmark:] || KARERSEE | 2.VIII.10 | [illeg] ||


Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, I await your letter. Yes, I am even holding off from writing a letter from my end in which I would have given you a report. So, out with it! You tease me, and want to know that I am going hungry 1 ‒ old scoundrel that you always are ‒ but you are reckoning without my [letter]: I make my entrance simply décolleté, 2 admittedly not without shame and effort. ‒ Come on! Let's have it!

The second proofs of the Chromatic Fantasy arrive in a couple of days. That will mean I'll again be tied to my desk. Will you come? Send [yours], then I will write to you and you may wish. This to serve as a reminder.

I have walked many beautiful trails.

Warmest greetings, your
[signed:] H.

August 2, 1910

© Translation Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2019

[picture of mountain range with house in foreground, captioned: "Rosengarten-Gruppe v. Karersee-Hotel"]

[Absender:] H Schenker
Karerpass, Tirol

[An:] H Prof M. Violin
Baden b/Wien
Jägerhausstr. 10

[postmark:] || KARERSEE | 2.VIII.10 | [illeg] ||


Täglich, stündlich, minutlich erwarte ich deinen Brief. Ja, ich halte sogar mit einem Brief meinerseits zurück, worin ich dir Meldung zu erstatten hätte. Also heraus damit! Du uzest mich, u. willst mich hungern wissen, 1 ‒ der alte Hallunka, der du immer bist ‒ aber du machst die Rechnung ohne meinen: ich trete halt dekolletiert auf, 2 freilich nicht ohne Scham u. Mühe. ‒ Also, also!

Die II Korrektur der „chrom. fant.“ kommt in paar Tagen. Da heißt es wieder an den Tisch. Wirst du kommen? Schicke, dann schreibe ich dir, u. du magst wünschen. Dieses also zur Erinnerung.

Viel schöne Wege habe ich gemacht.

Beste Grüße dein
[signed:] H.

2. 8. 10

© Transcription Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2019

[picture of mountain range with house in foreground, captioned: "Rosengarten Group from the Karersee Hotel"]

[From:] H. Schenker
Karerpass, Tyrol
Karerpass Hotel

[to:] Prof. M. Violin
Baden near Vienna
Jägerhausstraße 10

[postmark:] || KARERSEE | 2.VIII.10 | [illeg] ||


Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, I await your letter. Yes, I am even holding off from writing a letter from my end in which I would have given you a report. So, out with it! You tease me, and want to know that I am going hungry 1 ‒ old scoundrel that you always are ‒ but you are reckoning without my [letter]: I make my entrance simply décolleté, 2 admittedly not without shame and effort. ‒ Come on! Let's have it!

The second proofs of the Chromatic Fantasy arrive in a couple of days. That will mean I'll again be tied to my desk. Will you come? Send [yours], then I will write to you and you may wish. This to serve as a reminder.

I have walked many beautiful trails.

Warmest greetings, your
[signed:] H.

August 2, 1910

© Translation Ian Bent and William Drabkin, 2019


1 Probably a reference to the on-going discussion of debt and financial stringency between the two men.

2 dekolletiert: French loan word ("décolleté") meaning "low-cut" of a woman's garment, or "wearing a low-cut garment" of a woman. Schenker's meaning is obscure.


printed picture postcard, holograph sender and recipient addresses, salutation, message, valediction, and signature, recto; photograph of the Rosengarten Group, verso
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-195?)--University of California, Riverside (195?--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Henrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus[dot]cam[dot]ac[dot]uk

Digital version created: 2019-11-30
Last updated: 2011-06-02